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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 219« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Roy Sansom Truly)

Mr. Belin.
Do you recall any conversation you might have had with him, or he might have had with you?
Mr. Truly.
No, sir. If there was anything, I just said "Good morning, Lee", and he said, "Good morning, sir" and that would be the extent of my conversation, if I saw him that morning, which I am almost certain I did.
Mr. Belin.
Did you see him any other time during that day?
Mr. Truly.
I cannot recall. I believe I saw him that morning later on, around his work. But I probably wasn't on that floor too much, or out on the floor that morning.
Mr. Belin.
Now, when did you leave for lunch, Mr. Truly?
Mr. Truly.
As near as I know, it was between somewheres around 12:10 or shortly after, possibly 12:15.
Mr. Belin.
At that time did you go out to lunch?
Mr. Truly.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Belin.
Where did you go to eat?
Mr. Truly.
We didn't go anywheres. Mr. Campbell and I--
Mr. Belin.
That is Mr. O. V. Campbell?
Mr. Truly.
Mr. O. V. Campbell, vice president--and I had started out for lunch. I don't know as we had any particular place in mind. We ate at several places around there.
It was around 12:10 or 12:15, I would say, to the nearest of my memory.
As we got to the outside of the building, we noticed that it wouldn't be long until the motorcade would come by, and we decided to wait and watch the President come by.
Mr. Belin.
Do you remember where you were standing with Mr. Campbell?
Mr. Truly.
I would judge out in Elm Street, 10 to 15 or 20 feet from the front steps. We first stood on the steps, the bottom steps a few minutes, and then we walked out in the line of spectators on the side of Elm Street.
Mr. Belin.
I hand you what has been marked Commission Exhibit 495, and ask you to state, if you know, what this is.
Mr. Truly.
This is the front entrance to our building.
Mr. Belin.
In what direction would the camera be pointing?
Mr. Truly.
Almost straight out from it. It would not be well, it could be on a little angle.
Mr. Belin.
I mean would the camera be pointing east, west, north, or south?
Mr. Truly.
Mr. Belin.
And the camera would be pointing north on Exhibit 495.
I wonder if on that exhibit you would put the place where you and Mr. Campbell first stood, and mark that with the letter "A" if you would.
Mr. Truly.
The street curved there, I suppose. I think possibly along here somewheres.
Mr. Belin.
You have marked a letter "A" on Exhibit 495. Now, I believe you said that afterwards you went and moved out towards the street, is that correct?
Mr. Truly.
That is right.
Mr. Belin.
I am going to put up on the board Commission Exhibit No. 361.

The bottom of the picture is relatively north, sir.
And the top faces roughly south.
And here is the Texas School Book Depository Building--located at Houston and Elm.
Mr. Truly.
That is right.
Mr. Belin.
I wonder if you could put on Exhibit 361 with the letter "T" the spot at which you were standing when you moved to a closer position to watch the motorcade.
Mr. Truly.
I could be off a few feet, but I believe possibly over this way just a bit--that is within 3 or 4 or 5 feet of this area.
We were almost out in this. And I think when the motorcade came around, we probably pushed out even a bit farther.
Mr. Belin.
Now, by this, you are referring to the entrance to the parkway, is that correct?
Mr. Truly.
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