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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 218« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Roy Sansom Truly)

Mr. Truly.
have to spread your boys out and say, "Quit talking so much, let's get to work."
And it seemed to me like he paid attention to his job.
Mr. Belin.
Did you notice whether or not he brought his lunch to work generally?
Mr. Truly.
I never was aware that he brought a lunch. I would see him occasionally in the shipping department eating some little snack or something--didn't pay much attention: Offhand, it seemed to be not too much---a Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, and some little thing.
Maybe he would be sitting there reading a book or a newspaper.
Mr. Belin.
You would see him occasionally reading a newspaper at the lunch hour?
Mr. Truly.
I am sure so; yes.
And occasionally--I didn't always go to lunch at 12--usually a little after. And he would have to pass my door to go out the front. Occasionally I had seen the boy go out, and maybe he would be gone long enough to get across the street and back, with something in his hand. I seem to recall possibly a newspaper, maybe potato chips or something like that.
Mr. Belin.
Did you ever have any discussions with him about politics or anything like that?
Mr. Truly.
Mr. Belin.
Prior to November 22, did you have any discussion with him about the Presidential motorcade, or hear him tail to anyone about it?
Mr. Truly.
I never heard him talk to anyone, and I didn't talk to him myself.
Mr. Belin.
Any other things about Lee Harvey Oswald prior to November 22 that you can think of?
Mr. Truly.
Offhand I cannot recall a thing.
Just like I said--he seemed to go about his business in a quiet way, didn't talk much, seemed to be doing a satisfactory job.
Mr. Belin.
If you turn behind you, you will see Commission Exhibit No. 362, and it appears to be a floor plan which is entitled, "Texas School Book Depository." You see the room marked Mr. Truly's office?
Mr. Truly.
That is right
Mr. Belin.
Does that appear to accurately depict where your office is located?
This is the front of the building here at the top.
Mr. Truly.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Belin.
And it was in the place marked Mr. Truly's office that Lee Harvey Oswald filled out in front of you on your desk Exhibit 496?
Mr. Truly.
That is right.
Mr. Belin.
And also the withholding slip?
Mr. Truly.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Belin.
Now I want to take you to the morning of November 22d.
First let me ask you when you first heard your employees discussing the fact that the motorcade would be going by the Texas School Book Depository? Was that first on the morning of November 22d that you heard that, or at any prior date?
Mr. Truly.
I don't recall. I don't recall hearing any particular discussion about him coming by. No, sir; I don't.
Mr. Belin.
All right.

What time did you get to work on November 22d?
Mr. Truly.
Around 8 o'clock, or shortly thereafter.
Mr. Belin.
Did you see Lee Harvey Oswald at any time during that day?
Mr. Truly.
I am almost certain that I saw him early that morning as I came in, and spoke to him.
Mr. Belin.
And where was he when you saw him?
Mr. Truly.
I think he was around the front part of the Scott, Foresman bins.
Mr. Belin.
On what floor?
Mr. Truly.
On the first floor.
Mr. Belin.
Was he filling orders?
Mr. Truly.
Apparently; yes, sir. I don't recall too close. But I am almost certain that I talked to him that morning.
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