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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 164« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Richard M. Sims)

Mr. Ball.
Who was that Baker?
Mr. Sims.
He was a detective then, but he's a lieutenant now. He has been in the office there for several years.
Mr. Ball.
Baker told Fritz that Tippit had been shot?
Mr. Sims.
No, sir; that we had heard that on the sixth floor of the Book Store, but he told Captain Fritz that the man that shot Officer Tippit was there in the interrogation room, or something to that effect.
Mr. Ball.
What happened then?
Mr. Sims.
Well, I don't know, let's see, we took Oswald at 2:20, Boyd and I, took Oswald from the interrogation room to Captain Fritz' office.
Mr. Ball.
You and Boyd?
Mr. Sims.
Mr. Ball.
At 2:20 took Oswald--that's the first time you saw Oswald?
Mr. Sims.
Yes, sir; that's right, he was there in that interrogation room.
Mr. Ball.
And who was in Fritz' office at that time?
Mr. Sims.
Well, let's see, during the interrogation, there was Mr. Bookhout, that's Jim Bookhout, and Mr. Hosty, and Boyd and I and Captain Fritz.
Mr. Ball.
Did you make notes of what was said at that time?
Mr. Sims.
No, sir; I didn't.
Mr. Ball.
Did your partner, Boyd, make notes, do you think?
Mr. Sims.
I don't know if he did or not.
Mr. Ball.
Do you have anything from which you can refresh your memory as to what was said in that interrogation?
Mr. Sims.
No, sir.
Mr. Ball.
You have some memory of what was said, don't you?
Mr. Sims.
Well, not the exact wording or the exact questions.
Mr. Ball.
Give us your memory of the substance of what was said there at that time.
Mr. Sims.
Well, I couldn't say that. I know that it consisted of his name and where he lived and things of that nature, and where he worked.
Mr. Ball.
Now, tell us all you can remember, even though it is not complete, just tell us as much as you can remember?
Mr. Sims.
I don't remember--I know, like I say, he asked him his name and where he worked and things of that nature.
Mr. Ball.
Did they ask him whether or not he had killed Tippit?
Mr. Sims.
Yes, sir; I believe he did.
Mr. Ball.
What did he say?
Mr. Sims.
He said, "No."
Mr. Ball.
Did they ask him if he had shot the President?
Mr. Sims.
I don't remember now what--I wouldn't want to say for sure what questions he did ask him.
Mr. Ball.
Who did the questioning?
Mr. Sims.
Captain Fritz.
Mr. Ball.
Did anyone else ask him questions?
Mr. Sims.
Well, I don't know if they did or not.
Mr. Ball.
Did you ask him any questions?
Mr. Sims.
No, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Mr. Sims.
Not at this time here, I didn't but I talked to him later on that evening.
Mr. Ball.
But you didn't ask him any questions at the time you were there then?
Mr. Sims.
No, sir; I never did actually do any interrogation myself then.
Mr. Ball.
Was he handcuffed at that time?
Mr. Sims.
I don't remember if he was or not.
Mr. Ball.
Wasn't he handcuffed with his handcuffs behind his back, and didn't he ask to be more comfortable?
Mr. Sims.
I don't remember.
Mr. Ball.
Do you remember any incident where Oswald said he would be more comfortable if he could get his hands from behind his back, or something of that sort?
Mr. Sims.
No, sir; I don't.
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