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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VI - Page 208« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Jean Lollis Hill)

Mrs. Hill.
No--not really.
Mr. Specter.
How would you describe the position of his hands?

Mrs. HILL. He was sitting here [indicating] and Mrs. Kennedy---he was like this [indicating].
Mr. Specter.
You are indicating the right hand on the left knee?
Mrs. Hill.
Mr. Specter.
With the body turned slightly toward the person on his left?
Mrs. Hill.
Mr. Specter.
Who would have been Mrs. Kennedy?
Mrs. Hill.
Mr. Specter.
And were you watching him at this time?
Mrs. Hill.
Yes, I was looking right at his face.
Mr. SPECTER. And what reaction, if any, did he have at the time of the first shot?
Mrs. HILL. As I said, I had yelled at him and he had started to raise his head up and I saw his head start to come up and all at once a bullet rang out and he slumped forward like this [indicating].
Mr. Specter.
Lurched or slumped, as you say, to the left?
Mrs. Hill.
Mr. Specter.
Did his head drop down?
Mrs. Hill.
Yes; he was just, you know, slumping down like this.
Mr. SPECTER. Did you have a chance to see anything of Governor Connally at that exact second?
Mrs. HILL. There was a scrambling around in the front seat. I didn't know who was riding with him, I hadn't paid any attention to who was riding with him in the car, but I never did see Mrs. Connally. I guess my story is probably colored by what I have heard.
Mr. SPECTER. Tell me what you have heard that you think maybe that colored your story?
Mrs. HILL. About what the Connallys say about the shots, which shots hit where and everything.
Mr. Specter.
What is that that you have heard?

Mrs. HILL. Well, I have heard that 1 shot hit Kennedy and also hit Connally, that the same shot that hit Kennedy hit Connally.
Mr. Specter.
Where did you hear that, Mrs. Hill?
Mrs. Hill.
I don't know.
Mr. Specter.
What else have you heard?
Mrs. Hill.
And also that Mrs. Connally jumped up and covered Mr. Connally with her body and pushed him to the floor, but I never did see Mrs. Connally.
Mr. Specter.
Did you ever see Governor Connally?

Mrs. HILL. Yes; I did see him; I didn't know who he was, but I did see him and I knew that someone had been hit.
Mr. Specter.
Where was he pushed in the car?
Mrs. Hill.
Well, I just vaguely know that he was toward the front.
Mr. Specter.
Well, was he in the front seat of the car or was he between President Kennedy and the front seat of the car, or where was he?
Mrs. Hill.
Between President Kennedy?
Mr. SPECTER. You know that there were jump seats in the car so that there would have been people sitting three positions forward, one in the back seat--- President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy, on the right in the Jump seat---Governor Connally and Mrs. Connally and in the front seat, two Secret Service agents--- people sitting three positions forward?
Mrs. Hill.
I saw the Secret Service agents.
Mr. SPECTER. Had you been, prior to the time I told you just now, familiar with that arrangement of the personnel in the car?
Mrs. Hill.
Yes; I knew that, and as I said, I didn't know who the people were in the car because I am new here--I don't know the Connallys, I just knew that people were in the car.
Mr. Specter.
Did you notice the person sitting in the jump seat on the right-hand side, that would be the person immediately in front of President Kennedy?
Mrs. Hill.
Well, I would say it was Mr. Connally.
Mr. SPECTER. Did you observe him at any specific time?
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