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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 246« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Henry Wade)

Mr. Wade.
but I may say not within hearing distance. They heard part of what was said but not all of the conversation.
Mr. Rankin.
By "they" who do you mean?
Mr. Wade.
I am talking about McMillon and Archer.
Mr. Rankin.
What did they hear?
Mr. Wade.
Well, that is all I know that was testified to. Now, whether they heard anything else I don't know. But that is all I know, the beginning of the conversation.
They had heard previous to this coming up there the conversation about Jack, "I think he is going to die," and Jack answered some question, I believe he said, "You couldn't do it, somebody had to," or something like that. Jack Ruby, I am referring to.
Mr. Rankin.
Where did that occur?
Mr. Wade.
That occurred as they arrived on the floor where the jail is, the fifth floor, I believe of the jail.
Mr. Rankin.
Then what else could they testify to?
Mr. Wade.
That was about all we used them for, actually, that was the last that we put on, but they asked them some questions of what happened. Didn't he tell Captain Fritz something at 4 o'clock that afternoon, but our testimony , from them actually that amounted to anything quit when they came on to the floor there of the jail. That is McMillon and Archer. Shortly thereafter, Dean's testimony came on and only--I am kind of anticipating your questions on this.
Mr. Rankin.
Where was Dean then?
Mr. Wade.
They were in the jail. Dean----
Mr. Rankin.
Who else?
Mr. Wade.
Sorrels, Forest Sorrels. I am not testifying as a fact but this was all told to me, of course, by Dean and Sorrels.
Mr. RANKIN. Yes.
Mr. Wade.
The following day during the noon hour I found for the first time that Sorrels was present in the jail. I told the sheriff there I would like to talk to Sorrels and he came down there and he and Dean and I talked in my office.
Mr. Rankin.
That is the following day?
Mr. Wade.
That is Thursday before we rested the case on Friday.
Mr. Rankin.
Will you tell us the approximate date that you talked to him?
Mr. Wade.
It seems like we started on the 17th, and this was 2 weeks----
Mr. Rankin.
17th of what month?
Mr. Wade.
Of February.
Maybe we started on the 10th, because they ended on the 14th, 17th to the 14th, I would say this was around the 6th of March roughly, a day or two either way.
I sat down there to talk to Dean and Sorrels because we was going to put--and Sorrels showed me a copy of his report made on that incident which I didn't keep a copy but I am sure you all have a copy of it or it will be available to you.
I read it over, and essentially from what Dean said, and him were the same with other than the, I think the only variance was the part which was strong testimony where Dean said that Ruby said, "The first time I thought of killing him was Friday night or thought about killing him was Friday night in the lineup."
Mr. Rankin.
Sorrels didn't have that in his statement, did he?
Mr. Wade.
He didn't have that in his statement, and I, to go back a little bit, I asked Sorrels how he got up in the Jail and he said he didn't know, and he said he didn't actually know Dean there sitting in my office.
I think he finally decided Dean was the one but he didn't know him. I think it is pretty obvious that Dean, because they went in an unusual entrance to the Jail from the third floor, from the chief's office, and he says there are two guards standing on each side of him which none of the others corroborate, unless they are talking about jail guards in the building, but there was no police in uniform supposed to be up on that floor but Sorrels said that he saw two police guards on each side of him.
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