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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 221« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Roy Sansom Truly)

Mr. Belin.
All right.
Now, what is your best estimate of the speed as he started to go down the street here marked Parkway?
Mr. Truly.
He picked up a little speed along here, and then seemed to have fallen back into line, and I would say 10 or 12 miles an hour in this area.
Mr. Belin.
All right.
Then what did you see happen?
Mr. Truly.
I heard an explosion, which I thought was a toy cannon or a loud firecracker from west of the building. Nothing happened at this first explosion. Everything was frozen. And immediately after two more explosions, which I realized that I thought was a gun, a rifle of some kind.
The President's--I saw the President's car swerve to the left and stop somewheres down in this area. It is misleading here. And that is the last I saw of his ear, because this crowd, when the third shot rang out--there was a large crowd all along this abutment here, this little wall, and there was some around us in front--they began screaming and falling to the ground. And the people in front of myself and Mr. Campbell surged back, either in terror or panic. They must have seen this thing. I became separated from Mr. Campbell. They just practically bore me back to the first step on the entrance of our building.
Mr. Belin.
When you saw the President's car seem to stop, how long did it appear to stop?
Mr. Truly.
It would be hard to say over a second or two or something like that. I didn't see I just saw it stop. I don't know. I didn't see it start up.
Mr. BELIN, Then you stopped looking at it, or you were distracted by something else?
Mr. Truly.
Yes. The crowd in front of me kind of congealed around me and bore me back through weight of numbers, and I lost sight of it.
I think there were a lot of people trying to get out of the way of something. They didn't know what.
Mr. Belin.
Then what did you do or see?
Mr. Truly.
I heard a policeman in this area along here make a remark, "Oh, goddam," or something like that. I just remember that. It wasn't a motorcycle policeman. It was one of the Dallas policeman, I think-- words to that effect.
I wouldn't know him. I just remember there was a policeman standing along in this area about 7, 8, or 10 feet from me.
But as I came back here, and everybody. was screaming and hollering, just moments later-I saw a young motorcycle policeman run up to the building, up the steps to the entrance of our building. He ran right by me. And he was pushing people out of the way. He pushed a number of people out of the way before he got to me. I saw him coming through, I believe. As he ran up the stairway--I mean up the steps, I was almost to the steps, I ran up and caught up with him. I believe I caught up with him inside the lobby of the building, or possibly the front steps. I don't remember that close. But I remember it occurred to me that this man wants on top of the building. He doesn't know the plan of the floor. And-that is-that just pepped in my mind, and I ran in with him. As we got in the lobby, almost on the inside of the first floor, this policeman asked me where the stairway is. And I said, "This way". And I ran diagonally across to the northwest corner of the building.
Mr. Belin.
Now, let me, if I can--turning to Exhibit 362 again, I wonder if you would, with this--we can first do it with this pen, if you would--trace your route inside there. Point out the place inside the lobby where you talked to the policeman, where he said "where is the stairway."
Mr. Truly.
I believe along right there.
Mr. Belin.
All right. Could you put a "T" on Exhibit 362, if you would.
Mr. Truly.
I could be wrong, but I am almost positive that is the place.
Mr. Belin.
All right.
Now--and this is inside the glass or plastic set of doors shown on Exhibit 495, is that correct?
Mr. Truly.
That is correct.
Mr. Belin.
Now, he said to you what?
Mr. Truly.
Where is the stairway.
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