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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 6« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Everett D. Glover)

Mr. Jenner.
And you also had conversation with her?
Mr. Glover.
Yes, sir; I did.
Mr. Jenner.
Did she confirm, as well as Mr. De Mohrenschildt, their trip, walking trip into Mexico?
Mr. Glover.
Mr. Jenner.
Was anything said about the De Mohrenschildts, either of them having any--having met any officials with the Soviet Union?
Mr. Glover.
During that trip?
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Glover.
No, sir; not that I remember.
Mr. Jenner.
Not at all?
Mr. Glover.
Nothing was said.
Mr. Jenner.
You have no impression on that score, then?
Mr. Glover.
I cannot remember any such thing was said.
Mr. Jenner.
I take it then, it is your impression that this was a walking pleasure trip, a vacation, that sort of thing in which he and Mrs. De Mohrenschildt traveled from the border--that would be the north border of Mexico down as far as Panama?
Mr. Glover.
Yes, but I would amend your statement a little bit. You said pleasure trip. It was in a sense, the way I understood the reason for this was, that De Mohrenschildt had a son and daughter by his, according to him, I believe, last marriage. The son had died of cystic fibrosis, and I had the impression that he was very much attached to his son, and this was one of the reasons that he sort of threw up everything. I had been given to believe he was in the oil consulting business.
Mr. Jenner.
You were given to believe that De Mohrenschildt was in the oil consulting business?
Mr. Glover.
Previous to that and after that time, too, and that he had thrown everything up and done this. He said that he and someone else started to make this trip at a much earlier time. I am not sure what time it was, but it was a long time. Seems to me he said they tried to drive a Model "T" Ford and hadn't been successful.
Mr. Jenner.
That would be quite a long time ago?
Mr. Glover.
Yes. That might be older than De Mohrenschildt is. I don't know when he came here, really, of course.
Mr. Jenner.
All right.
Mr. Glover.
But anyway, maybe it is a Model "A" Ford. I really am not sure about that point. It doesn't sound right, a Model "T" Ford.
Mr. Jenner.
A Model "T," say that is my error, and the Model "A"
Mr. Glover.
Model "A" came in 1927 and 1928.
Mr. Jenner.
1927, 1928, and 1929. I was about a junior in college then.
Mr. Glover.
Yes. I am a little bit younger than that. I was 10 years old in 1927, but I distinctly remember the Model "T's." I am not sure, but the important thing as far as my recollection was, he said he wanted to take this trip and started to take it with another fellow and he didn't get very far, but then he this time did take the trip and the feeling I had was the motivation was--he had been completely broken up by his son dying and he wanted to do this a long time ago, he went ahead and did it.
And his wife wanted to do it with him and they did it.
Mr. Jenner.
So the impression you obtained from the conversation you heard overall was that the trip was not motivated by any objective or plan to have any contact with any persons connected with the Soviet Union, or representing the Soviet Union?
Mr. Glover.
No; I did not get any such impression.
One other thing, I did get the impression, he mentioned specifically that he had some business along the way, which was looking at old mining areas.
Now I got the impression, although it was a hazy one, that he was actually being paid by some private concern to look at old mining areas as he passed through there.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. Did you have any impression of any other trips that Mr. De Mohrenschildt made outside of this country?
Mr. Glover.
Yes. He told me that after the war he was on a, I don't know
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