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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 5« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Everett D. Glover)

Mr. Glover.
Mr. Jenner.
All right.
Mr. Glover.
He lived in Garland here.
Mr. Jenner.
Garland, Tex.?
Mr. Glover.
Right. This is not where I met the De Mohrenschildts, but that is the connection. I was at his house and I met Sam Ballen. And something was said about playing tennis, and it turns out that he likes to play tennis and I also like to play tennis. I hadn't played very much since I had been in Dallas, but I always wanted to play more than I had a chance to, and he said, "How about tomorrow morning?" and I agreed, okay.
So when I went to play tennis the next morning, it turned out that the other two people involved in this match of four people, doubles, was the De Mohrenschildts.
Mr. Jenner.
You played doubles in tennis with him the next morning, Sunday morning?
Mr. Glover.
This sounds right. I believe it was a Saturday night party, and I was playing Sunday morning. I believe that is what it was.
Mr. Jenner.
And your friendship with the De Mohrenschildts blossomed?
Mr. Glover.
Well, we played tennis an awful lot more. That was the basis.
Mr. Jenner.
You say the double, the lady who played tennis with you on that initial occasion, was the same lady who had accompanied Mr. De Mohrenschildt earlier on the ice rink?
Mr. Glover.
That's correct.
Mr. Jenner.
Will you tell me, please, and I want you to tell me in your own words. I will try not to interrupt you, or at least I will keep it to a minimum, what you learned about George De Mohrenschildt first?
Mr. Glover.
You mean what I learned about him from my complete acquaintance with him?
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Glover.
What he was like and so forth?
Mr. Jenner.
What he was like, what you learned from him, if you can indicate information you received directly from him as to his travels, if any, as to his work, as to any associations he had.
Mr. Glover.
Well, it is pretty hard to produce some order out of it, because I never got a complete picture. But he had apparently, and I believe this to be true, had come back from a trip to South America. I mean to Mexico where he had walked from the north edge of Mexico down to Central America, to Panama.
Mr. Jenner.
Your information in this respect was obtained directly from him?
Mr. Glover.
Directly from him and also by films which he had showing his trip, and also the fact that he apparently corresponded with Sam Ballen during the time that he had been down there, and that was mentioned, the fact that he had corresponded.
Mr. Jenner.
Who mentioned it, Ballen or De Mohrenschildt?
Mr. Glover.
I couldn't be sure about that sir, but from one or the other people, I am sure I got the distinct impression that they corresponded.
He sent letters to Sam Ballen during the time he was there, so I do believe, and I have no reason not to believe, that he made such a trip, seeing the film.
Mr. Jenner.
You saw the film?
Mr. Glover.
Mr. Jenner.
You also talked to Mr. De Mohrenschildt, or he with you?
Mr. Glover.
Mr. Jenner.
You had conversations with him about his trip to Mexico, and he told you about it?
Mr. Glover.
Mr. Jenner.
Did he exhibit the film?
Mr. Glover.
He exhibited the film.
Mr. Jenner.
Was Mrs. De Mohrenschildt the lady called Jeanne and who preferred to be called "Jon" (Jeanne)?
Mr. Glover.
Mr. Jenner.
Was she present when the film was shown?
Mr. Glover.
She was present.
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