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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 99« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Lillian Murret)

Mr. Jenner.
The remainder of your family, your other brothers and sisters, I think they remained in and about the New Orleans area; is that right?
Mrs. Murret.
Well, they did for a while.
Mr. Jenner.
Well, they all remained in and about New Orleans except for your sister Aminthe; isn't that right?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; she moved. She married and moved to Knoxville.
Mr. Jenner.
But the rest of your family stayed here in the New Orleans area?
Mrs. Murret.
Well, my brother stayed. They were very young, and of course long before I was married, they died, so there wasn't really anyone left, you know, except Marguerite and I. She lived with me when I first got married, she stayed with me then.
Mr. Jenner.
Marguerite lived with You during your marriage?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; my father and my husband and myself, we all stayed together.
Mr. Jenner.
You and your husband and your father and your sister Marguerite stayed together?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; we lived on Esplanade and Roman.
Mr. Jenner.
What is the business or occupation of your husband?
Mrs. Murret.
What is his occupation?
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. Murret.
He's a clerk for, well, he works for different companies, but mostly for Mr. Jackson. He works at different wharves, in other words.
Mr. Jenner.
Different what?
Mrs. Murret.
At different wharves on the riverfront. You see, he doesn't belong to a union so, therefore, he doesn't stay at one wharf. He transfers to where they have work, and sometimes if one don't have work, he will work for someone else.
Mr. Jenner.
Tell me what else you know about John Pic.
Mrs. Murret.
What else?
Mr. Jenner.
Yes, about Edward John Pic.
Mrs. Murret.
Well, about all I know about him is what she told me. She said John wasn't supporting her because, she told me, that she was pregnant and he refused to give her any money. It was a payday, I think, when she told me that, and I spoke to John, but John didn't give me any satisfaction whatever. He didn't say a thing, why or anything, what was the reason or anything.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you discuss with him his refusal to support Marguerite?
Mrs. Murret.
No; she left John.
Mr. Jenner.
Did she leave him?
Mrs. Murret.
Oh, yes. You see, she was that way, very quick. She would do things on the spur of the minute, where maybe somebody else would think it over before acting. I always think over things to give it a chance to cool off before I do something, but not Marguerite. When she left him she didn't get a divorce. She just separated. He got half of the furniture, and she got half of the furniture, I think.
Mr. Jenner.
Before they were divorced?
Mrs. Murret.
Before they were divorced; yes.
Mr. Jenner.
Now if I may return a minute, you said she was very quick.
Mrs. Murret.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Would you elaborate on that a little?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; if I can.
Mr. Jenner.
I am trying to find out as much as I can about her personality. Now, when you said she was quick, do I get an inference from that that she was hasty, or that she was impulsive, or that she would act without thinking things over?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; she would do that. She was quick in making up her mind about anything that happened. She made her decisions very fast without sleeping on them, not like me. I always try to sleep over a problem if I have to make a decision, because a lot of times I will have a different outlook on the thing the next day, but not Marguerite. She would just act right now regardless of the consequences once she made up her mind. That's what I
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