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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 400« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Elena A. Hall)

Mrs. Hall.
yes; and they he said that it is just commercialized, a commercial holiday.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember what your husband said in response to that remark by Oswald?
Mrs. Hall.
No; but I don't remember whether it was at that time or at Easter when John talked with him and said, "Well, we sometimes come to Dallas to go to church. If you want to, they will come and--we will come and take you with us." And he said, "No; not me. If Marina wants, she can go with you."
Mr. Liebeler.
Oswald indicated that he himself did not care to go to Church?
Mrs. Hall.
He said no; he wouldn't, but if Marina wants, he didn't believe in nothing.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Marina ever go to church with you and your husband?
Mrs. Hall.
No; she never did go. Well, I never did see them after Easter.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you know after Marina moved out of your house where she went?
Mrs. Hall.
Well, I guess they had an apartment at Elsbeth.
Mr. Liebeler.
As far as you know, they moved to an apartment on Elsbeth Street, and she stayed there with Lee until subsequently Lee moved around the corner to an apartment on Neely Street, is that right?
Mrs. Hall.
Yes. The first time when we went there on Christmas, we went to Elsbeth. And the second time the landlord told me that they moved a couple of blocks from it, so we went there on Eastertime.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you ever hear that Marina moved out of the apartment on Elsbeth Street shortly after she returned to Lee and shortly after she moved out of your house and went to live with a friend of hers in Dallas?
Mrs. Hall.
I think they had an argument and she left one night and she went, I think, to Meller's house and she stayed there. That is everything I hear. I don't know exactly, but through a friend you just hear things like that.
Mr. Liebeler.
You don't have any direct knowledge of that instance?
Mrs. Hall.
No; I mean I wasn't in touch with them at all, never.
Mr. Liebeler.
Let's go back to the time that you went to Oswald's apartment at Christmastime. Do you remember anything else that was discussed at that time, or have you given us your best recollection as to what the conversation was?
Mrs. Hall.
With him?
Mr. Liebeler.
Yes; with him or with Marina.
Mrs. Hall.
John was asking him a question, how does he like his work. And does he learn something. And sometimes he can go into business for himself. And so he said, "No; I never think that I will go to business for myself."
And he said something about security, I don't have any security here on my job. I don't know if I am still there another week or so. And he said something about Russia.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did that seem to concern Oswald that he didn't know how long he was going to have his job?
Mrs. Hall.
Yes; he was concerned about that. And he said in Russia you don't have to worry about that.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Oswald indicate that he wanted to go to Russia?
Mrs. Hall.
No; well, he never did say.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you get the impression that he had a desire to return to the Soviet Union?
Mrs. Hall.
Yes; I think if he would have money, he would go back, but she never did want to go back.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did she tell you that?
Mrs. Hall.
Mr. Liebeler.
What did she tell you about that?
Mrs. Hall.
Well, I was telling her--she said the life is so bad there. Bad in a way like they don't have luxuries that they have here. They don't have grocery stores like here and things like that. She missed her--she don't have relatives--I think she has only, I mean she don't have parents, but she has relatives, and she says, "Sometimes I miss them but I wouldn't like to go back and live."
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