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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 395« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Elena A. Hall)

Mrs. Hall.
in the hospital 10 days. When I got out from the hospital, I think it was in the end of October, after my accident, I stayed home, I think, 3 or 4 days.
Mr. Liebeler.
Was Marina there at that time?
Mrs. Hall.
Yes; she was there. Then I went to New York on the 31st of October. I went to New York, and when I came back on the 15th, they were gone.
Mr. Liebeler.
You don't know exactly when they moved out?
Mrs. Hall.
No, no.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you know whether Oswald lived in your house with Marina at any time that you were gone to New York or in the hospital?
Mrs. Hall.
That--not that I know. I don't know.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you ever discuss that with Marina?
Mrs. Hall.
I saw her after that time. I saw her only on Christmas one day and Easter, and it was real short visit, so we didn't talk about the past.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you know where Oswald lived at first when he moved to Dallas from Fort Worth?
Mrs. Hall.
Well, I heard that he lived in YMCA.
Mr. Liebeler.
Who told you that?
Mrs. Hall.
I heard from two friends.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember who particularly told you?
Mrs. Hall.
Yes, Mrs. Clark.
Mr. Liebeler.
Mrs. Max Clark?
Mrs. Hall.
Yes. And I think George Bouhe told me, or at least George Bouhe suggested him to stay in YMCA.
Mr. Liebeler.
You don't know of any other place that Oswald might have lived when he first went to Dallas other than the YMCA?
Mrs. Hall.
No; I don't.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you then visit the Oswald's apartment on Elsbeth at any time in Dallas?
Mrs. Hall.
Yes; one time we went. First time on Christmas Day. She borrowed my sewing machine, and on the first day of Christmas I bought a little toy for the baby and we went to visit them and I thought I bring my sewing machine but she said she wasn't finished with the sewing machine. So we went the first day of Easter again. John's parents lived in Dallas.
Mr. Liebeler.
Your husband?
Mrs. Hall.
Mother and father, they live here. And we went the second time and I brought the sewing machine. That was only twice I saw them after they moved from my house.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you know whether or not Marina used the sewing machine?
Mrs. Hall.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you see her using it?
Mrs. Hall.
No; I didn't see her using it, but after that when I brought it, I opened it and saw all this, she had probable difficulty with the stitches, and there is pieces of something in there, and she just sewing on it, and I just closed it and I never did touch it again.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you see any clothes that Marina made with the sewing machine?
Mrs. Hall.
She didn't make any clothes. But the clothes that friends of mine gave to her, lots of clothes, she was trying to alter them and things like that.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Marina know how to use the sewing machine?
Mrs. Hall.
Yes; I think. She told me she could. I never did see her sewing, but she said she could.
Mr. Liebeler.
About the time that Marina lived in your house, did you understand that the Oswalds were having any marital difficulties?
Mrs. Hall.
Well, I think she was stubborn, and he was just cruel to her, and they would argue for nothing, just nothing. And he would beat her all the time.
Mr. Liebeler.
Beat her?
Mrs. Hall.
Oh, yes. In fact, first time when she came to my house with George Bouhe, she had black and blue over half of her face and I didn't ask
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