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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 172« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Marilyn Dorothea Murret)

Mr. Liebeler.
Did they come over on the bus?
Miss MURRET. Yes; and then we took them back.
Mr. Liebeler.
When did you go crabbing with him? You did, did you not?
Miss MURRET. I think it was on a Saturday.
Mr. Liebeler.
So this would have been before July, is that correct?
Miss MURRET. Yes.
Mr. Liebeler.
Because you have indicated that you were not in New Orleans during July or August of 1963?
Miss MURRET. Yes.
Mr. Liebeler.
Who also went on this crabbing expedition?
Miss MURRET. Just Marina and I and he. I think the baby stayed at my house.
Mr. Liebeler.
Tell us what you can recall about that?
Miss MURRET. We went to the lake, and Lee was doing all the crabbing, of course, and we didn't have any crabs, so I just sat there with Marina. And then we walked over to the coke machine and got a coke, and I got some cigarettes, and I remember she said that she didn't smoke, and that Lee didn't want her to smoke. So we came on back and Marina told him something in Russian, and he started to laugh. And he said, "Do you know what she said?" I said, "No." He said, or he was saying that women are all alike, because she was telling him that here you spend or you only could afford, I think he had two nets, and that was all that he had money for, and the meat, so she was telling him, "You spend the money for the nets and the meat, and you are spending all of your time catching nothing, when we could have gone down to the French Market and got them for the same price." He said, "They are all alike, you know, Russians, American, typical woman." I just sat there with her.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he ever catch any crabs that day?
Miss MURRET. No, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember anything else that was said or that happened on that day that was worthy of any note?
Miss MURRET. She didn't say anything and he was walking up and down----
Mr. Liebeler.
Lee was?
Miss MURRET. And I was sitting on the steps with them, and it was only an hour and a half.
Mr. Liebeler.
So you were not able to talk to Marina?
Miss MURRET. I said a little bit, but nothing--I mean, you couldn't really talk, and you would just exhaust yourself with petty things, you know, word for word.
Mr. Liebeler.
How did this crabbing expedition come to pass in the first place? Did Lee call you and ask you to take him, or----
Miss MURRET. No; I think that they were over there and he just said, I don't know, maybe just that they were going to the lake. I don't remember. And then they asked me, stopped and asked me if I wanted to----
Mr. Liebeler.
But when this started out, Lee and Marina were over at your house on French? And Marina and Lee left from there and went on this expedition?
Miss MURRET. Yes.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you form an impression as to how Marina and Lee got along with each other?
Miss MURRET. Well, as I am saying, at first, I had no idea, when he first came out, but then after I met them together, and then since the assassination, of course, you know, how most of my thoughts are running back because that happened, but after that time, I am saying that some statements came out that he was very strict with her--I don't know. You don't know in anybody else's house, I guess, but from all indications they were perfectly happy. He was very devoted to Marina. He seemed to love his child very much. And as I say, I am saying that he was very well-mannered, he really was. And I mean if any other girl sat down, he pulled the chair out, and the car door was opened to let her in and out, and he does that for everybody. And, I don't know, she just seemed to be perfectly happy, and that is when I really thought that my imagination had just run away with me in the beginning, and that probably
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