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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 115« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Lillian Murret Resumed)

Mrs. Murret.
rental basis, or something like that, and they had some trouble with that; I don't know. Don't you get tired listening to this merry-go-round?
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. Murret, lawyers don't get tired.
Mrs. Murret.
It would be too bad if you did.
Mr. Jenner.
We are under the impression that they moved to Dallas, Tex., first and lived on Victor Street, 4801 Victor Street, in 1945 up until 1946, and then they moved to Fort Worth.
Mrs. Murret.
Mr. Jenner.
I am not attempting to give you information, now; I am just asking if you recall that, or if you ever knew that?
Mrs. Murret.
Well, that could be; yes, sir; but I thought they had gone to Fort Worth myself. That's what I thought.
Mr. Jenner.
You didn't hear much from her during that time, did you?
Mrs. Murret.
No; during those years I didn't hear much from her. Maybe she would send a card or a picture or something like that, but we didn't correspond.
Mr. Jenner.
You say she sent you a picture of the house where she was living with Mr. Ekdahl?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; and she sent me a picture of herself and the boys around Christmas time, and that's about all.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you have any pictures of the family, album pictures or snapshots of Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mrs. Murret.
Of Lee Harvey?
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. Murret.
No; I don't.
Mr. Jenner.
Or Mr. Ekdahl.
Mrs. Murret.
I have her picture with Mr. Ekdahl when they were married.
Mr. Jenner.
I wonder if you would give that to your husband and let him bring that in the morning when he comes in?
Mrs. Murret.
The snapshot?
Mr. Jenner.
Yes; and will you look hard and see if you have any other pictures with your children taken when they were small with Lee, and that sort of thing? (The snapshot of Mr. and Mrs. Ekdahl was produced by Mrs. Murret and was marked and admitted in evidence on her affidavit as Lillian Murret Exhibit No. 1.)
Mrs. Murret.
No; I don't have any of my children with Lee when he was living with us. I have Mr. and Mrs. Ekdahl. She sent that picture, where she wrote on it, "Happily married." Like I say, I can't recollect her living in Dallas, in that home in Dallas. I always thought it was Fort Worth.
Mr. Jenner.
It appears now that at least during or sometime in 1946, she lived in Covington, La., at 600 West 24th Street, and at 311 Vermont Street in Covington. Now, your recollection of that is that this was in the summer of 1946; is that right?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
And she brought her three boys together with her there; is that right?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
At this time, her husband Ekdahl had not joined her, had he?
Mrs. Murret.
Not that I know of. I assume he was out on his business, you know, while they were spending the summer over there. He came in periodically every 2 weeks, or every week, or whatever it was; I don't know.
Mr. Jenner.
It was your impression that he was a research man for what company?
Mrs. Murret.
A sick man?
Mr. Jenner.
No; a research man.
Mrs. Murret.
He did research for Texas Electric, and she told me his salary was over $1,000 a month.
Mr. Jenner.
Which is a substantial amount of money; right?
Mrs. Murret.
Oh, I imagine so, but sometimes you can get along on $250 better than $1,000.
Mr. Jenner.
That's right. Now, let me delve into that a little bit. If it was $1,000 a month, she at that time regarded it as a very substantial income; is that right?
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