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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 491« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Earle Cabell)

Mrs. Cabell.
always been up to you. Whatever you think, is what we want you to do. Within 30 minutes, I would say, after the security officers and the cars had gone, a threatening call came through the police switchboard, so within another 30 minutes the security was back.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you remember what that was?
Mrs. Cabell.
No; I can not give you the date.
Mr. Hubert.
How did you come to know of it?
Mrs. Cabell.
I didn't know it until the next morning. The boys didn't come in the house that night. Earle didn't know it. We have a very trusted colored man who has been with us 26 years, and when he used his own key to come in the house next morning, I said, "Well, Phillip, I guess you miss our friends." And he said, "Mrs. Cabell, they haven't gone. They are outside." And I looked out the kitchen window and there they were. I went out----
Mr. Hubert.
You don't know, do you, whether that threatening call made reference to the fact, that the security had been removed?
Mrs. Cabell.
No; I do not. But the thinking on the part of the police was that somebody was watching that driveway, because the call came in within 30 minutes after the car had gone.
Mr. Hubert.
Have you anything else that you wish to say?
Mrs. Cabell.
Only that, and days again escape me--I think it was the day of the President's funeral, my husband was in Washington. This can be verified, because by that time all of our phone calls were recorded. The phone rang early one afternoon, and I picked it up, and this man's voice said, "Mrs. Cabell." I said, "Yes." He said, "This is so-and-so--and the name I did not catch, or recall--said "I am with one of the news media. I would like to come out for an interview." Or words to that effect. And I said, "Well, Mr. Cabell is not here. You will have to talk to him about that." Then he said to me, "How heavily are you being guarded out there? Do you still have security?" And I don't know what I said, but I put it off. I passed it off. And by that time I had motioned to the security man that was in the next room, and he picked up the receiver, but the man had hung up by that time.
Mr. Hubert.
You mentioned that your calls were being recorded as early as the date of the President's funeral?
Mrs. Cabell.
No; earlier.
Mr. Hubert.
Mrs. Cabell.
Because the telephone men were out there within an hour after the shooting of Oswald.
Mr. Hubert.
They set up a recordation system whereby all calls could be recorded?
Mrs. Cabell.
Mr. Hubert.
Was that still on at the time of New Year's Eve?
Mrs. Cabell.
Mr. Hubert.
When was that removed?
Mrs. Cabell.
I can't tell you. Sometime during that 2 months, but I cannot say when.
Mr. Hubert.
But you do not think it was on at the time of the New Year's Eve call?
Mrs. Cabell.
I am sure it wasn't, because the little recording machine, or whatever it was, had been----
Mr. Hubert.
Mrs. Cabell.
Had been removed, and I believe I am correct in saying that that was removed at the time, and I can't give you a date, that they cut down to only two officers at a time being with us. For a long time there were two with me and two with Earle and two at the house.
Mr. Hubert.
Mrs. Cabell, I don't think there was actually any conversation much before the recordation of your deposition began between us, but in any case, I think you will agree with me that nothing was covered during the unrecorded conversation we had that has not been recorded here?
Mrs. Cabell.
As far as I know; that is true.
Mr. Hubert.
Thank you very much, ma'am.
Mrs. Cabell.
Thank you.

Phillip L. Willis

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