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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 421« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James C. Cadigan)

Mr. Cadigan.
Enlargement of a letter in the State Department file.
Mr. Eisenberg.
In the State Department file?
Mr. Cadigan.
Mr. Eisenberg.
That will be Cadigan Exhibit No. 5.
(The document referred to was marked Cadigan Exhibit No. 5.)
Mr. Eisenberg.
The third is an enlargement of a second letter in the State Department file, the first later having been dated "Received November 1, 1962," and this letter dated "December 7, 1962, Received December 11, 1962," is that correct?
Mr. Cadigan.
Mr. Eisenberg.
That will be Cadigan Exhibit No. 6.
(The document referred to was marked Cadigan Exhibit No. 6.)
(Discussion off the record.)
Mr. Eisenberg.
Next is a letter to the State Department without an apparent date, beginning, "Dear Sirs: Please forward receipts to me for final payment of my loan" and so forth, is that correct?
Mr. Cadigan.
Mr. Eisenberg.
That will be Cadigan Exhibit No. 7.
(The document referred to was marked Cadigan Exhibit No. 7.)
Mr. Eisenberg.
Next is another letter from the State Department file, reading, "Dear Sirs, please add this $10.00 to my account No. 38210" dated October 8. Is that also from the State Department file, Mr. Cadigan?
Mr. Cadigan.
Mr. Eisenberg.
That will be Cadigan Exhibit No. 8.
(The document referred to was marked Cadigan Exhibit No. 8.)
Mr. Eisenberg.
Next is the letter to then Secretary of the Navy John B. Connally and a page from the letter to Brigadier General R. McC. Tompkins, is that correct?
Mr. Cadigan.
Mr. Eisenberg.
That will be Cadigan Exhibit No. 9.
(The document referred to was marked Cadigan Exhibit No. 9.)
Mr. Eisenberg.
That is in two parts, is that correct?
Mr. Cadigan.
Yes; it is two pages.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Next is a photograph of the passport application referred to earlier?
Mr. Cadigan.
Mr. Eisenberg.
That will be Cadigan Exhibit No. 10.
(The document referred to was marked Cadigan Exhibit No. 10.)
Mr. Eisenberg.
And, finally, a photograph of the reverse side of that?
Mr. Cadigan.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Which will also be Cadigan Exhibit No. 10.
Now, in each case, Mr. Cadigan, were these photographs prepared by you or under your supervision?
Mr. Cadigan.
They were.
Mr. Eisenberg.
And are they accurate photographs of the items described as being the subject of the photographs?
Mr. Cadigan.
They are.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Now, Mr. Cadigan, with reference to your enlargement, Cadigan Exhibit No. 3-A, and your photographs of standards, Cadigan Exhibits Nos. 4 through 10, could you state some of the reasons which led you to the conclusion that Commission Exhibit No. 778, of which Cadigan Exhibit No. 3 is an enlargement, is in the writing of Lee Harvey Oswald, the author of the known documents?
Mr. Cadigan.
Yes; on Commission Exhibit----
Mr. Eisenberg.
You can refer to your photographs.
Mr. Cadigan.
The enlarged photograph, Cadigan Exhibit No. 3-A, contains both handwriting and hand printing which was compared with the known standards, Cadigan Exhibits Nos. 4 through 10. I compared both the handwriting and the hand printing to determine whether or not the same combination of individual handwriting characteristics was present in both the questioned and the known documents. I found many characteristics, some of which I would point out.
On the order blank, in the "A. Hidell" and in the wording "Dallas Texas"
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