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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 38« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of C. T. Walker)

Mr. Belin.
Those are the three you remember?
Mr. Walker.
Mr. Belin.
Now as you faced the screen, were you going up the right center or the left center aisle?
Mr. Walker.
As I faced the screen, I would be going up the left.
Mr. Belin.
Was it the left center aisle or was it the far left aisle that you were going up?
Mr. Walker.
Be the far left aisle, I believe.
Mr. Belin.
Next to the wall?
Mr. Walker.
No; there is no aisle exactly against the wall. There is a row of seats, and then an aisle, and the middle aisle, and then another row of seats.
Mr. Belin.
So you would be in the aisle, as you faced the screen, which would be to the left of the center row of seats?
Mr. Walker.
That's right.
Mr. Belin.
Okay; just tell what happened.
Mr. Walker.
There were two white males sitting approximately in the center of the show. The lights had come on, and I don't know at what point they come on.
Mr. Belin.
About how many people was seated down on the first floor?
Mr. Walker.
There were two in the middle, and then there was Oswald, who turned out to be Oswald----I didn't know at that time it was him----and two behind him, I believe. I think there was one in the aisle, in the seats to the right of the right aisle I don't - know how you describe it, south of the south aisle, what I call it.
Mr. Belin.
You Were coming up the north aisle?
Mr. Walker.
And this other person was sitting over on the other side of the show.
Mr. Belin.
Do you recall then a total of six people?
Mr. Walker.
That is all I recall seeing.
Mr. Belin.
The people behind the man that you later found out to be Oswald, how far were they behind?
Mr. Walker.
They were about three or four or five seats behind him.
Mr, BELIN. In what row were they?
Mr. Walker.
I believe they were in the last row, or maybe the next to the last.
Mr. Belin.
What row was Oswald in, to the best of your recollection?
Mr. Walker.
The best I recall, fourth or fifth aisle from me, from the back.
Mr. Belin.
Fourth or fifth row from the back?
Mr. Walker.
Mr. Belin.
All right, now, you mentioned there were two people sitting together in the center?
Mr. Walker.
Mr. Belin.
You came up and approached those people?
Mr. Walker.
McDonald approached them from the
Mr. Belin.
Mr. Walker.
Right center aisle, and I approached from the left center aisle.
Mr. Belin.
Did you have your gun drawn?
Mr. Walker.
I had it drawn, and I put it back in my holster.
Mr. Belin.
Why did you do that?
Mr. Walker.
I had to search him. As I got up to him, we had him stand up and we searched him with their hands up, and I had my gun in the holster. I searched the one on the left, and McDonald searched the one on the right.
Mr. Belin.
Were you looking at other people?
Mr. Walker.
I looked around. Of course, I didn't recognize anybody. I didn't know who they were.
Mr. Belin.
Then what?
Mr. Walker.
I walked back up to the aisle that I had been going down, and McDonald walked out the aisle he had been walking down, and we approached the aisle where Oswald was sitting. McDonald approached him from his aisle; and Hutson, which was in front of me on the same aisle, had started in the seat toward Oswald, in the seat that runs behind him.
Mr. Belin.
You mean the row of seats that ran behind him?
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