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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 342« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Forrest V. Sorrels)

Mr. Sorrels.
Anything that to us might mean danger.
For example, if someone had an object that appeared to be a gun, or something like that--that, of course, would attract our attention. Or if someone appeared to have something they were fixing to throw or toss, we definitely would take cognizance of that immediately.
Mr. Stern.
Do you recall remarking on anything you observed in the windows as you drove along Main Street?
Mr. Sorrels.
Yes, I do; there was a tremendous crowd on Main Street. The street was full of people. I made the remark "My God, look at the people. They are even hanging out the windows." Because I had observed many people in the windows of the buildings as we were coming along.
Mr. Stern.
Now, as you made the right turn from Main Street onto Houston Street, did you observe anything about the windows of any building in your view?
Mr. Sorrels.
Yes, I did. Of course the Court House is on the right-hand side, and the windows there appeared to be closed.
Mr. Stern.
To the right-hand side of Houston Street?
Mr. Sorrels.
Of Houston Street; yes, sir.
The Book Depository, as we turned to the right on Houston Street, of course, was right directly in front of us, and just to the left side of the street. I saw that building, saw that there were some windows open, and that there were some people looking from the windows. I remember distinctly there were a couple of colored men that were in windows almost not quite to the center of the building, probably two floors down from the top. There may have been one or two other persons that I may have seen there. I don't recall any specific instance. But I did not see any activity--no one moving around or anything like that.
Mr. Stern.
Do you think you had an opportunity to view all the windows of the building?
Mr. Sorrels.
I did, yes; because it was right in front.
Mr. Stern.
Do you recall seeing anything on the side of the building to your right, any of the windows on that side of the building--the far right side of the building?
Mr. Sorrels.
Yes. There was at least one or two windows that were open in that section over there. I do not recall seeing anyone in any of those windows. I do not, of course, remember seeing any object or anything like that in the windows such as a rifle or anything pointing out the windows. There was no activity, no one moving around that I saw at all.
Mr. Stern.
But you believe you could observe all of the windows on the side of the building facing you?
Mr. Sorrels.
Yes. In other words, it is just right down at the end of the street.
Mr. Stern.
Now, the car you were riding in was a closed car, was it not?
Mr. Sorrels.
Yes, sir; it was a Ford sedan.
Mr. Stern.
And you were in the rear seat?
Mr. Sorrels.
Right rear.
Mr. Stern.
Did the roof of the car obscure your view at all?
Mr. Sorrels.
Oh, yes.
Mr. Stern.
But you were still able to observe the whole building?
Mr. Sorrels.
Yes. Of course I was sitting close to--as far over to the right as I could get, and I could look out the window. I could not, of course, look up and see any building straight up, or over to my left I would not have been able to see anything that was any higher than the view of the window on the left.
Mr. Stern.
You didn't have your head actually out of the window?
Mr. Sorrels.
No, sir; I did not. But the glass was down in the window.
Mr. Stern.
As you turned into Houston Street, Mr. Sorrels, can you estimate how far in front of the President's car the lead car was?
Mr. Sorrels.
Oh, probably about 30 feet--fairly close.
Mr. Stern.
As you approached the Book Depository Building along Houston Street, did your ability to see all of the building diminish because of the angle of your vision and, the roof of the car coming in the way?
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