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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 256« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of L. C. Graves)

Mr. Belin.
shooting, and actually was the first one to place a call over Tippit's radio that Tippit had been shot. Does this strike a chord in your memory?
Mr. Graves.
Not to me. He didn't tell me that. Leavelle talked to him to one side.
Mr. Belin.
Oh, I see. You weren't the one he talked to?
Mr. Graves.
He didn't tell me that.
Mr. Belin.
But Officer Leavelle would be the one he talked to?
Mr. Graves.
Mr. Belin.
Anything else on November 22?
Mr. Graves.
I don't remember anything else of any consequence. I had so many phone calls.
Mr. Belin.
You had a few phone calls to the police station that day?
Mr. Graves.
Just a few, yes.
Mr. Belin.
What about on November 23?
Mr. Graves.
That is the day I took the affidavit of Mrs. Bledsoe.
Mr. Belin.
Did you ever bring Mrs. Bledsoe down to view the lineup at all, or not?
Mr. Graves.
I didn't; no.
Mr. Belin.
Was there any particular reason why you elected not to take her down, if this was your election? I don't know if it was.
Mr. Graves.
Mr. Belin.
Is there any particular reason why you didn't bring her down to view a lineup?
Mr. Graves.
Not that I can think of.
Mr. Belin.
Now she claimed that she had seen Lee Harvey Oswald on a bus shortly after the assassination?
Mr. Graves.
Mr. Belin.
Do you remember whether or not you asked her to come down to a lineup and she refused to come down?
Mr. Graves.
No; I didn't ask her to come down to a lineup herself. I asked her to come down and give an affidavit.
Mr. Belin.
Was she actually at the police department?
Mr. Graves.
Mr. Belin.
Did anyone else ask--let me ask you this question. Whose responsibility would it have been to have a lineup for certain people? Is this the interviewing officer, or is this the person in charge of the investigation, or what?
Mr. Graves.
In a case like this, it would have to be the person in charge of the entire investigation.
Mr. Belin.
Who would that have been 7 Insofar as Bledsoe?
Mr. Graves.
Insofar as our bureau was concerned, it would have been Captain Fritz.
Mr. Belin.
Anything else that you can remember on November 23?
Mr. Graves.
Let me refresh my memory here, if I can. I don't know. I don't remember anything else on the 23d that was outstanding.
Mr. Belin.
Now on November 24---first, I want to take that part of November 24 up to the time of the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. First, did you have any contact or anything to do with the investigation of the case on November 24, on Sunday?
Mr. Graves.
No; not before he was transferred.
Mr. Belin.
Did you have anything to do with the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mr. Graves.
Nothing except that I was present during the latter part of the interrogation; part of it.
Mr. Belin.
Could you state the circumstances under which you were present? How you happened to be present?
Mr. Graves.
Well, I had been told that we were going to transfer Lee Harvey Oswald, and we Were told to make preparations to do that, so that would necessitate going into the office where he was.
Mr. Belin.
What did you find when you went in the office?
Mr. Graves.
Well, I found, of course, Lee Harvey Oswald, Captain Fritz, and the people that I have named here. The others present were Mr. Holmes from
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