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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 253« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of L. C. Graves)

Mr. Graves.
Mr. Belin.
Then what did you do?
Mr. Graves.
Well, I held a showup along with Leavelle and the Chief and Captain Fritz, and I don't remember who else, about a roomful.
Mr. Belin.
Could you state what occurred in that showup? How many people were in this showup?
Mr. Graves.
I don't remember exactly how many people.
Mr. Belin.
You mean of the men that were actually lined up?
Mr. Graves.
I don't know. I believe four or five, I think. He was identified as No. 2 man. Let me see. he was identified as No. 2 man in a four-man lineup, yes.
Mr. Belin.
Do you know who the people were who were in this particular lineup?
Mr. Graves.
I don't know. Nobody but Oswald.
Mr. Belin.
Do you know that Lee Harvey Oswald was No. 2 man in that lineup?
Mr. Graves.
Yes, I do.
Mr. Belin.
Do you have any recollection or notes which would in. any way give the approximate physical description of the other men in this lineup?
Mr. Graves.
No; I don't. I was present out in the front with Mrs. Markham, and I don't remember exactly who talked to the people or men that were on the stage. It is quite possible that they might have the names of the other people that were in this lineup, but I don't myself. I don't remember this physical description.
Mr. Belin.
Do you remember whether or not they were all white men or was one or more a Negro?
Mr. Graves.
They were all white men.
Mr. Belin.
Do you remember anything about their approximate ages?
Mr. Graves.
No; I don't. Let me say this, that it would be very unusual if we had a showup and asked a certain person or persons to appear in this showup, if they put anything other than men that fit their approximate size and age in there with them, and race and color, I might add, because we just don't operate that way.
Mr. Belin.
What is your general mode of operation with regard to showups? Perhaps you could tell us this.
Mr. Graves.
Yes; I sure can. When we want to show a person up, we call the jail supervisor and tell him what we want and who we want in the showup, and to put two or three or four other people with him, the approximate age, size, and so forth.
And they do that for us, and we---the only contact, the only dealings we have had with them is talking to them while they are on the stage.
Mr. Belin.
When you say the approximate age or size, do you specify what age or size you want?
Mr. Graves.
Well, it is not necessary, because they are looking at the man that you are bringing down.
Mr. Belin.
Mr. Graves.
So all he has to do is pick them out.
Mr. Belin.
So what you mean is the approximate age and size of the particular person you want included in the showup, or is it of another particular age and size?
Mr. Graves.
The fact is, if I was showing you, I would tell them to pull you for a showup and put some other men about your age and size. That is what it boils down to.
Mr. Belin.
Now, could you tell us what Mrs. or Miss Markham did or said when this particular showup took place? Were you standing right next to her?
Mr. Graves.
About as close as I am to you, which would be approximately 4 or 5 feet.
Mr. Belin.
All right; the men walked in, I assume, is that correct?
Mr. Graves.
That's right.
Mr. Belin.
Where was Mrs. Markham at that particular time?
Mr. Graves.
She was standing in the center of the room, approximately in the first row of seats near the front.
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