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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 192« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Richard S. Stovall)

Mr. Stovall.
Yes, we did. We took them into the Homicide and Robbery Bureau.
Mr. Ball.
Did you talk to them after that?
Mr. Stovall.
No, sir; not that day--I didn't. We took them from there into the Forgery Bureau because there was so many people in our office up there.
Mr. Ball.
Into which bureau?
Mr. Stovall.
Into the Forgery Bureau--we took them from the Homicide Bureau into the Forgery Bureau because they had room in there where we could leave them.
Mr. Ball.
What did you do the rest of that day?
Mr. Stovall.
After that we went--we called on the phone-- Rose did--trying to find this Wesley Frazier, who was this Mrs. Randle's brother to talk to him about this package that his sister said Oswald had put in his car that morning. Rose checked around and finally located him at a clinic in Irving. He called and found out where Wesley Frazier was--he called the Irving Police Department and talked to Detective McCabe out there and told him what the situation was and McCabe told us to call him back later and he would see if he couldn't get ahold of him out there and so we called him back in 15 or 20 minutes, I guess, and he said that he had the boy at the Police Department out there.
Mr. Ball.
You went out there and talked to him?
Mr. Stovall.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
And you also searched their home, didn't you?
Mr. Stovall.
Yes, we did.
Mr. Ball.
And then you brought Linnie Randle and Wesley Frazier into Dallas and took statements from them?
Mr. Stovall.
Yes, sir; we didn't take the affidavits from them, but I don't recall who did, but after the affidavits were taken, we started back to Irving with them, they also had a minister from their church with them, I believe. We started back to Irving and we got about halfway, I guess, and they called us on the radio to return to the station with the witnesses and we came back and Rose called the captain from the basement phone down there and he said he wanted to take Wesley Frazier up and run him on the polygraph, and he agreed to this and so we took him up there, and we didn't have a man on the polygraph at that time. I think he left around 9 o'clock and so we called him on the phone and he came back down and got there around 11:15 or 11:30.
Mr. Ball.
And it was about 12:10 when you ran the polygraph on Frazier, wasn't it?
Mr. Stovall.
No, sir; it was about 12:10 when we finished, I think, when he finished running it.
Mr. Ball.
About 12:10 when you finished the polygraph on Frazier?
Mr. Stovall.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Then, what did you do?
Mr. Stovall.
Then, we went back down to the basement. We had left Frazier's sister and the minister down in the basement, as well as I remember. And we took him back down there and then we went on back out to Irving and left them.
Mr. Ball.
When you took the polygraph, you were present during the polygraph examination of Frazier, were you?
Mr. Stovall.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
And during this examination, did you have before you the affidavit which Frazier had made?
Mr. Stovall.
No, sir; I didn't.
Mr. Ball.
You didn't at that time?
Mr. Stovall.
No, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Who did the questioning?
Mr. Stovall.
R. D. Lewis, he's the polygraph operator.
I might explain that to you--in our polygraph room we've got a two-way mirror there and in another room behind it, so that the officer that is investigating the case, if he wants to, can watch the examination being given, and you can hear the questions and the answers.
Mr. Ball.
Did you go home, then, after that?
Mr. Stovall.
Yes, sir; after we took them back to Irving we went home.
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