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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 116« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Capt. W. R. Westbrook)

Mr. Ball.
Between Crawford and Storey on Jefferson?
Mr. Westbrook.
On Jefferson, between 10th and Jefferson there.
Mr. Ball.
That would be west of Patton.
Mr. Westbrook.
That would be west of Patton--yes, sir; toward the theatre.
Mr. Ball.
Now, you came from the library--where is that library?
Mr. Westbrook.
The library is at Marsalis and Jefferson, sir. It must be here on Turner Plaza right here.
Mr. Ball.
You drove west on Jefferson, did you?
Mr. Westbrook.
We drove west on Jefferson.
Mr. Ball.
And you got out of the car where?
Mr. Westbrook.
We got out of the car about here [indicating].
Mr. Ball.
At what street?
Mr. Westbrook.
It was between two streets, and I would say it was between this Storey and Crawford.
Mr. Ball.
Why did you get out of the car at that time?
Mr. Westbrook.
Just more or less searching--just no particular reason--just searching the area.
Mr. Ball.
You were just looking around to see what you could see?
Mr. Westbrook.
Yes; and at this time I had a shotgun--I had borrowed a shotgun from a patrolman.
Mr. Ball.
Where did you go when you got out of the car?
Mr. Westbrook.
I walked through, and this is a car lot or a parking area right along in here, and I don't know whether I am wrong on my location on not, but I think I'm right.
Mr. Ball.
You walked through a car lot, did you?
Mr. Westbrook.
Yes, sir; and I think I came out---is that a church---there's a church right there close by.
Mr. Ball.
Was there a station anywhere near there, a service station?
Mr. Westbrook.
Oh, there could have been--yes, sir. There was either a used-car lot or a parking lot--that I don't know.
Mr. Ball.
Well, I show you some pictures here.
Mr. Westbrook.
I would recognize it in the picture.
Mr. Ball.
This is a picture of a Texaco station at the intersection of Crawford and Jefferson.
Mr. Westbrook.
At Crawford and Jefferson?
Mr. Ball.
There is a parking area behind that.
Mr. Westbrook.
This looks more like it.
Mr. Ball.
The Texaco station?
Mr. Westbrook.
Yes--the Texaco station; and I think where this jacket was found was right along in here [indicating].
Mr. Ball.
Now, the picture you are looking at is identified as a parking lot, and on a parking area behind the Texaco service station at the corner of Crawford and Jefferson?
Mr. Westbrook.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
You walked through there, did you?
Mr. Westbrook.
I walked through from Jefferson.
Mr. Ball.
From Jefferson?
Mr. Westbrook.
There is an old house the only thing--I come down by this station there---there is an old house there and some of the officers were looking it over. They had seen somebody go in it and there was quite a few officers there so I didn't pay any further attention to it. So, I walked on, and possibly--this may be it--it appears to be it right here in the corner.
Mr. Ball.
Put an arrow showing the old house.
Mr. Westbrook.
I think this is it right here I can't be positive, but I think that's it.
Mr. Ball.
Make an arrow with a pen.
Mr. Westbrook.
The arrow marks the point of an old house.
Mr. Ball.
That you walked toward, is that right?
Mr. Westbrook.
Mr. Ball.
And you have marked that old house?
Mr. Westbrook.
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