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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VI - Page 137« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Diana Hamilton Bowron)

Mr. Specter.
one of the Secret Service men, and we stayed with the body until the coffin came, and helped put him in there, and then we--
Mr. Specter.
When you say "we", whom do you mean by "we"?
Miss BOWRON. Miss Henchliffe and myself.
Mr. Specter.
Anybody besides the two of you?

Miss BOWRON. Yes; there was an orderly called David Sanders who helped us to clean the floor, because there were leaves and sheets and everything was rather a mess on the floor and he came to clean the floor for us so that it wouldn't look so bad when Mrs. Kennedy went in. And then Mrs. Kennedy wanted to be alone with him after the priests left, so we all came out and sat there outside and she was alone with him in the trauma room, and we didn't go in any more after that.
Mr. Specter.
Did you see him at any time after that?
Miss BOWRON. No, sir---only when they were wheeling him out in the coffin.
Mr. Specter.
What doctors were present during the time he was being treated
Miss BOWRON. Dr. Carrico and---who else was there---there were so many.
Mr. Specter.
Do you recall any of the names?
Miss BOWRON. I don't.

Mr. SPECTER. Was there any other nurses present other than those you have already mentioned?
Miss BOWRON. Miss Standridge, Jeanette Standridge came in, Mrs. Nelson--- the supervisor.
Mr. Specter.
Any other nurses present there?
Miss BOWRON. Not that I could say, sir---I don't know the name of any.

Mr. SPECTER. While the doctors were working on President Kennedy, did you ever have any opportunity to observe his neck?
Miss BOWRON. No; I didn't, until afterwards..
Mr. Specter.
Until after what?

Miss BOWRON. Until after they had pronounced him dead and we cleaned up and removed the trach tube, and indeed we were really too shocked to really take much notice.
Mr. SPECTER. Did you ever see his neck prior to the time you removed the trach tube?
Miss BOWRON. No, sir.
Mr. SPECTER. Now, did you personally participate in removing President Kennedy's body from the stretcher?
Miss BOWRON. No, sir---I didn't touch him. We held him with the sheet.
Mr. Specter.
Were you present when his body was removed from the stretcher?
Miss BOWRON. Yes; I was.
Mr. SPECTER. And did you observe the stretcher from which his body was removed to be the same stretcher that he had been brought into trauma room No. 1
Miss BOWRON. Yes.
Mr. Specter.
That's the stretcher you took out there for him?
Miss BOWRON. Yes.

Mr. SPECTER. And what sheets were present on the stretcher or in the adjacent area used in the care of President Kennedy?
Miss BOWRON. The sheets that had already been on the stretcher when we took it out with the President on. When we came back after all the work had been done on him---so that Mrs. Kennedy could have a look before he was, you know, really moved into the coffin. We wrapped some extra sheets around his head so it wouldn't look so bad and there were some sheets on the floor so that nobody would step in the blood. Those were put down during all the work that was going on so the doctors wouldn't slip.
Mr. SPECTER. What was done with all of the sheets on the stretcher and on floor area there?
Miss BOWRON. They were all gathered up and put into a linen scape.
Mr. Specter.
Did you gather them up yourself?
Miss BOWRON. Yes.

Mr. SPECTER All of them?
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