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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VI - Page 109« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Dr. T. Shires George)

Mr. Specter.
Did anybody describe the nature of the sound?

Dr. SHIRES. I think Mrs. Connally did. I think she thought it was, if I'm not wrong, she thought it was a loud retort, either a gun or a firecracker. think she thought it was a bullet and I think he did too---thought it was gun---I believe he did too.
Mr. SPECTER. Now, did Governor Connally say anything about hearing President Kennedy say anything?
Dr. SHIRES. No--no, he didn't.
Mr. SPECTER. Did Mrs. Connally say anything about whether President Kennedy said anything?
Dr. SHIRES. No, she didn't. She remembered Mrs. Kennedy saying some things, but she didn't remember anything about the President having uttered a word.
Mr. Specter.
What did Mrs. Kennedy say, according to Mrs. Connally?
Dr. SHIRES. Oh, it's vague, even in my memory, but things to the effect that her husband had been shot and---well, that was really the essence of it. It wasn't phrased that way.
Mr. SPECTER. Focusing on the time sequence---what did Governor Connally say as to the timing, number one, the time he was hit, and number two, the time he had heard a sound, and number three, the time he turned-those three factors? In what sequence did he relate them?
Dr. SHIRES. As he recalled it, he heard a shot, he turned to the right and felt himself receiving a shot--in that order--in a matter of a few seconds
Mr. Specter.
Where did he feel himself receive a shot?
Dr. SHIRES. In the right chest.
Mr. Specter.
Did he make any comment about feeling anything in his wrist?
Dr. SHIRES. No; I don't believe he did.
Mr. Specter.
How about feeling anything in his thigh?
Dr. SHIRES. I don't believe he ever commented on that to me.

Mr. SPECTER Did he say anything else to you at 'that time about his recollections on the day of the assassination?
Dr. SHIRES. No; other than this striking feeling he had after he was hit, that someone was trying to kill all of them---apparently he remembers that quite clearly, right after he was hit, but that's all.
Mr. SPECTER. Did you discuss his recollection of the events of the assassination day with Governor Connally on any other occasion?
Dr. SHIRES. Oh, yes; sporadically, during his convalescence.
Mr. Specter.
What else did he say to you at any other time?

Dr. SHIRES. He was just simply asking questions about things that happened to him in the Emergency Room, in the Operating Room, and he was a little surprised that he didn't recall them better, but this was after he was wounded in here, but that was really the main thing---he was surprised that he didn't remember some of the things--like the cutdowns for blood and that sort of thing that were done to him, and, of course, this is obviously because he was so anoxic at the time.
Mr. Specter.
Did he ever describe anything in more detail in his recollection
of the things on the day of the assassination?
Mr. SPECTER. Now, going back to the first conversation you had with Mrs. Connally on November 22d, did she say anything more to you other than that which you have already testified about?
Dr. SHIRES. No---those were mainly the remarks that she made. I don't remember any others, except---well, no---most of the others were---we were discussing the Governor's condition and outlook and chances for recovery and that sort of thing.
Mr. SPECTER. Now, looking again at Diagram No. 5, what is your professional opinion, if you have one, as to whether Governor Connally's chest injury, wrist injury, and thigh injury were caused by the same bullet?
Dr. SHIRES. Well we all thought, me included, that this was probably one missile, one bullet.
Mr. Specter.
When you say "we all thought," whom. do you mean by that?
Dr. SHIRES. Dr. Shaw, Dr. Gregory---as we were reconstructing the events
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