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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 52« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of V. J. Brian)

Mr. Brian.
telling us, he said, "I am telling you the truth". "You don't have to tell me, I know you are; I was standing there with you."
And he said, "You were the one who was with me?" And I said, "Yes, I was with you."
And I assumed he knew that I was with him. That is when he talked to Chief Curry and Chief Curry come back and said he needed the report from me, too.
Representative Ford.
When did this conversation take place?
Mr. Brian.
The date I don't have any idea. Probably 2 or 3 weeks, I will tell you----
Mr. Dulles.
2 or 3 weeks what? After November 22?
Mr. Brian.
No, sir; before the date I wrote the report, because I messed around there for another couple of weeks and then I walked in the office one day and he said, "Chief Curry wants it today," and I said, "All right, I will write it," and I sat down and wrote it, and I believe the next day or the day after that he brought it, came up here, and all this come out in the paper about making a statement and me backing the statement up in Dallas, I don't know whether it came up here or not.
Representative Ford.
Who prompted this conversation that you have been describing?
Mr. Brian.
In our office that day?
Representative Ford.
Mr. Brian.
I am trying to think what brought it on. Somebody, there was a statement in the paper or something that said that--anyway, somewhere down the line it came out, it said it wasn't right what Lieutenant Revill had said.
And I said, "I know it is right, I was standing there," and that was about the extent of that.
And then he said, "Well, I will need"--he talked to Chief Curry, I guess, and they decided they needed a report from me on it, and then I finally wrote the report and he brought it up here. I guess it was just in the course of a conversation more than anything. I don't think anybody prompted it, really.
Representative Ford.
In this Commission 711 you actually typed it out yourself?
Mr. Brian.
Yes, sir.
Representative Ford.
Are you a fairly accomplished typist?
Mr. Brian.
No, sir. I can type fairly well. I am not a touch typist. I can't copy, but I can type fairly well typing something I don't have to copy off of a sheet of paper. In other words, I have to look at the keys to type it.
Representative Ford.
Did you have to rewrite this a second time on the typewriter?
Mr. Brian.
Yes, sir. I made several strikeovers and some other stuff, and typed it, I had to type it over again.
Representative Ford.
In other words, you typed it out once, and then retyped it yourself?
Mr. Brian.
Yes, sir; I typed it twice. The first time everything wasn't right in there and the spelling and the strikeovers and stuff, and not being an accomplished typist I still don't like to throw things out, you know, that don't look too bad so I typed it over again.
Representative Ford.
But after you typed it over the first time did you show it to somebody else?
Mr. Brian.
I believe Lieutenant Revill looked at it and called a bunch of mistakes to my attention.
Representative Ford.
What kind of mistakes?
Mr. Brian.
Well, I don't know. There were some strikeovers and some, a couple of misspelled words, I believe, and I don't have a copy of the one that copied from so I couldn't say, but I did have to type the report over.
Representative Ford.
But these mistakes that were pointed out by Lieutenant Revill, were they mistakes of substance or just mistakes involving spelling and the like?
Mr. Brian.
Well, what do you mean by substance now?
Representative Ford.
Well, I mean as to the precise things that you said as to what transpired?
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