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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 481« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James J. Rowley)

Mr. Rowley.
see whether or not it could be negotiated within that particular period of time.
Once establishing that it could, and the thing looked safe, then they notified the police and went over it with the police. And then with the police they indicated what they would like done here at intersections and so forth, and other features.
Now, it is true in most cases we ourselves like to get sufficient advance information, we like to send our men out in advance so they do not have to cope with these fast operations, because when a police department has sufficient notice of the route and so forth, then they have adequate time to get out instructions to their own police department--whether by precinct or by group commanders, and so forth. And this is what I think in this instance that they are complaining about.
Representative Ford.
As I understand it, however, at the present time, and for the future, there will be a more precise procedure for the relationships of the Secret Service on the one hand and local law enforcement agencies on the other.
Mr. Rowley.
Yes, sir.
Representative Ford.
That is set forth in your manual as presently revised?
Mr. Rowley.
In our present revised manual.
Representative Ford.
So that when your agent-in-charge goes to city X, he now has the procedures set forth for many to follow on, so there are no uncertainties, if that is possible?
Mr. Rowley.
That is right. And you have to necessarily do that, because you have agents, as I said--as I cited an example where an agent had been trained in the White House, but you have to utilize his services, because you cannot get a regular White House man out there. He has this information, and he follows it accordingly. It is a check for him as well as for the police.
Representative FORD. Other countries have protection problem of their chief executive.
I am sure in recent months the French have had considerable problems in this regard.
Do you ever have an exchange of methods with other governments for your benefit or their benefit?
Mr. Rowley.
We have been approached, Mr. Congressman, for instructions on security and so forth, but we, for reasons---for national security reasons, I would like to go off the record.
(Off the record.)
(At this point, Representative Ford left the hearing room.)
The Chairman.
Back on the record.
Mr. Dulles.
You have referred to the dry runs which you made in Dallas, and you usually make, I understand, to establish a route.
First I think you said you did this yourself, and then with the local police.
Mr. Rowley.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
Do you have any reason to believe that those dry runs were observed by the President or known to the President, or received any publicity?
Mr. Rowley.
No; they did not receive any publicity.
The Chairman.
Chief, you were referring a little while ago to the revised rules.
When did the last revision take place? Has it been since the assassination?
Mr. Rowley.
The overall revision of the Manual of the Secret Service, was undertaken before I took office, and because it was delayed, I took it upon myself to assign a man to sit down 7 days a week, to bring this manual up to date. The overall manual has been completed. Now we have almost completed the revised advance manual.
The Chairman.
And--but there has been--as yet there has been no revision since the assassination?
Mr. Rowley.
No, sir; it is in the process.
The Chairman.
It is in the process of being done? Very well.
Senator COOPER. I would like to ask a question. I think you stated that you took part in the procedures and methods for the protection of President Kennedy when he was---prior to his visit to Dallas.
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