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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 402« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald Resumed)

Mrs. Oswald.
I did ask him that and he would answer that in order that people will think it is two people involved and not just one.
Mr. Dulles.
Did you ever sign any more such cards with the name "Hidell"?
Mrs. Oswald.
Only this one.
Mr. Dulles.
And you never signed the name "Hidell" on any other paper at any time?
Mrs. Oswald.
Only once.
Representative Ford.
Where did this actual signing take place, Mrs. Oswald?
Mrs. Oswald.
In New Orleans.
Representative Ford.
Where in New Orleans?
Mrs. Oswald.
In what is the name of the street where we lived, in an apartment house.
Representative Ford.
In your apartment house?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes; in our apartment house.
Representative Ford.
What time of day, do you recall?
Mrs. Oswald.
It might have been 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening.
Mr. Dulles.
Had you ever heard the name "Hidell" before?
Mrs. Oswald.
I don't remember whether this was before or after Lee spoke on the radio. I think it was after.
Mr. Dulles.
Did he use the name Hidell on the radio?
Mrs. Oswald.
I think that he might have when he was talking on the radio said that Hidell is the President of his organization but, of course, I don't understand English well and I don't know. He spoke on the radio using his own name but might have mentioned the name Hidell. This is what he told me. When I tried to find out what he said on the radio.
Mr. Dulles.
This might have been on television also?
Mr. Oswald.
It was on the radio, not on televisioln. He told me that someond had taken movies of him for to be shown later on television but I don't know if they ever were.
Mr. Dulles.
Did you ever sign the name Hidell at any subsequent time to any document?
Mr. Mckenzie.
If you recall signing it. Do you recall signing his name to any other document?
Mrs. Oswald.
I only remember this one occasion.
Mr. Rankin.
Was the way you signed on this Commission's Exhibit No. 819 your usual way of writing English?
Mrs. Oswald.
My English handwriting changes every day, and my Russian handwriting, too. But that is more or less my usual style.
Mr. Rankin.
You weren't trying to conceal the way you sign anything?
Mrs. Oswald.
I tried to do it, I just tried to write it as nicely as possible.
Mr. Dulles.
Did you make some practice runs of writing this name before you actually put it on the card?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes; because it was difficult for me to write English properly.
Mr. Dulles.
So you mean you wrote it several times on another sheet of paper and then put it on this card?
Mrs. Oswald.
Representative Ford.
Was there anybody else present at the time of this incident?
Mrs. Oswald.
No; only Lee.
Representative Ford.
Did he have you sign only one card?
Mrs. Oswald.
This was the only time when I--when Lee asked me to do this and I did it. I might have signed two or--- cards and not just one but there weren't a great many.
Representative Ford.
Did the other cards have someone else's name besides Lee Harvey Oswald on it?
Mrs. Oswald.
No; only Lee Oswald.
Representative Ford.
But you think you might have signed more than one such card?
Mrs. Oswald.
Maybe two, three. This is just 1 day when I was signing this. It just happened on one occasion.
Mr. Rankin.
Mrs. Oswald, turning to another subject, I would like to ask you about some correspondence with the Dallas Civil Liberties Union.
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