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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 38« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Lt. Jack Revill)

Representative Ford.
Was that standing in the basement near the car or was it over toward the elevator?
Mr. Revill.
We were walking over toward the elevator during this conversation and as far as blowing up, this is semantics. I wanted to know why they had not given us this information.
Representative Ford.
What is his reaction to that?
Mr. Revill.
"We couldn't." I do not know what he meant by that.
Representative Ford.
When you use words like "We couldn't" that "Oswald was a Communist" this is what I am trying to find out. You mean these are the precise words he said or are these your interpretations of what he said?
Mr. Revill.
The time involved it could be my interpretation, to give him the benefit of the doubt, because as I said Hosty is a friend of mine, and the last thing I wanted to do was to cause this man any trouble, because of our relations in the past.
Representative Ford.
Have you ever had any doubt in the interval between that time and now that what your recollection is is accurate or inaccurate, fair or unfair?
Mr. Revill.
As far as I am concerned I have; this report is honest, and it was made within an hour after he made the thing. And since this assassination I have gone over in my mind could I have misunderstood him. I sometimes wish or hoped that I have. But this is in essence what he said to me. It might not be exactly the "we's" the "I's" but in essence it is what Mr. Hosty said.
Representative Ford.
At one point as I recall your testimony, you said Hosty said that Oswald was a Communist. A few minutes after that testimony I think you said that Hosty suspected he was a Communist. Now, did you say that deliberately or did you just----
Mr. Revill.
No, sir; if I said that I was wrong.
Representative Ford.
Was that just confusion?
Mr. Revill.
As I mentioned earlier he come hurrying up to me and he said, "Jack, a Communist killed the President." I said, "What?" He said, "Lee Harvey Oswald, a Communist killed the President," and then he went into the fact that they had known he was there, and then at the conclusion of our, not the conclusion because we continued to discuss this thing going up on the elevator, he made the statement that they had information that he was capable of this. He might have said probably or possibly capable of it, I don't recall, because in Dallas that day, the town died, and I know I was sick that this thing happened in my city, and I felt that maybe we could have done something else to prevent it.
Mr. Dulles.
You stress the word "capable", that sticks in your mind, does it?
Mr. Revill.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
He didn't say might have done it?
Mr. Revill.
No, sir; capable.
Mr. Dulles.
Normally would information of this kind have passed to you directly from the FBI or through the Secret Service in the event--of course, there hadn't been other Presidential visits, I guess, so there was no precedent but I was wondering in the case of a Presidential visit would it normally have come to you directly from the Secret Service rather than directly from the FBI?
Mr. Revill.
Well, in the past Mr. Kennedy had visited Mr. Rayburn there and this information had never been made known to us and usually the information we got from the FBI and you have got to realize the relations are good, was on a personal basis, working with Mr. Hosty and the other agent assigned to their security section and men assigned to their criminal section, it was a share and share alike thing because I have 11 men, and we just augmented their force really with the information we gathered.
Mr. Dulles.
Had you had a meeting with the FBI, a general meeting, to go over security problems prior to this time, prior to the President's visit?
Mr. Revill.
No, sir; I personally had taken part in no meetings.
Mr. Dulles.
With the FBI?
Mr. Revill.
With the FBI.
Mr. Dulles.
Or Secret Service?
Mr. Revill.
Or Secret Service.
Mr. Dulles.
Why was this?
Mr. Revill.
This I do not know. This was handled at a higher level. It is
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