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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 250« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Henry Wade)

Mr. Wade.
that to the Weird Beard up at KLIF, radio station, and told him that we had to have some heroes, that was the night before the killing.
We got a copy of what the article was but one of them, two or three copies were in his possession but I never could find one to introduce.
I never did know for sure whether to introduce it because there was a lot of good American patriotism in the thing and, of course, there is a lot of other that is complete hogwash, you know, and you don't know how a jury is going to read part of it and like it and the other part not, but the title of it was "Heroism" and he talked to the Weird Beard, this was in testimony, that somebody had to be a hero.
This was the night before the killing.
This was in before, this was before the jury, and said he gave him an article, the title of it was "Heroism," that he never did read.
Mr. Rankin.
Have you supplied to the Commission all the information that you have or has come to your attention with regard to the assassination of the President?
Mr. Wade.
I don't know of anything. As far as I know, I have. I never did get any information on the assassination of the President. I requested them to send it up here to begin with.
Mr. Rankin.
And all you have in regard to Jack Ruby, too.
Mr. Wade.
Everything I know of.
Like I said I let them take those pictures of the physical evidence last week, and there are supposed to be some things that I don't know where it is. It is not in my office, I think the police have lost them actually or at least they are up there and I don't think anybody is trying to hide anything but it is just a situation there is so much that it just got lost in the shuffle.
Mr. Rankin.
So, far as you know it has all been supplied then?
Mr. Wade.
As far as I know it has. I don't know--I know of nothing in my files that you don't have, and if there is you sure are entitled to have it. I am not sure about this letter you mentioned from the lawyer, the affidavit but I am pretty sure you all have that but I know I got that during the trial and stuck it in my desk somewhere and I don't even know where it is but it will be available.
Mr. Rankin.
In any of these press conferences that you have described did you ever say anything about the type of rifle that was thought to be involved in the killing of the President?
Mr. Wade.
I think that was one of the inaccuracies that Sunday night on the thing.
Mr. Rankin.
What did you say about it?
Mr. Wade.
I think I said I thought it was a Mauser or I thought--was one of those things I didn't know what it was. It was an Italian gun, I think and I really thought I was giving them Italian but Mauser is a German gun, isn't it?
But I think you have that--it was a situation, I don't contend I was right on that because it was a situation somebody asked me that and that is what I thought I was telling them and I never--all my information came from the police and actually somebody said originally it was a Mauser but it turned out it was not.
Mr. Rankin.
You learned it was not.
Mr. Wade.
Oh, yes; there was no question, I am not contending whatever I said was so on that because I got it all secondhand from someone else.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you learn that the Mauser-type rifle was similar in the type of action to the gun that was involved. Did that ever come to your attention?
Mr. Wade.
I think someone told me that but I am not an expert on guns. I don't believe I ever saw this gun except from a distance. I think that Saturday night--Friday night, the 22d when they were taking it to Washington, I saw somebody take it through homicide and give it to the FBI. and from a distance, I never did examine it.
Mr. Rankin.
In your testimony you were not entirely sure as to whether Chief Curry had the gun during the press conference?
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