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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 171« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Robert A. Frazier Resumed)

Mr. Frazier.
impact would be sufficient to account for the movement of the car during the flight of the bullet.
The fact that the same lead would be necessary at each place is because at the closer frame numbers, the lower frame numbers, 161, 166, 185, and so forth, there is a relatively steep downward angle beginning at 40°, whereas the last shot, the downward angle is approximately 17° or 20°, in that neighborhood.
Just one thing more, it would require less apparent elevation of the crosshair over the point of impact at the distant target to allow for a further movement of the car of approximately 2 feet at the point where the head shot occurred.
So the lead would be constant between 5.9 inches above the point of impact to 6.3 inches above the point of impact.
Mr. Dulles.
Have you asked the witness--I was studying these frame pictures at about what frame he thinks the body of Governor Connally would have been in a position to receive a bullet that would go through the body with this trajectory?
Mr. Specter.
Yes; I believe I did.
Mr. Dulles.
I wasn't quite clear.
Mr. Frazier.
I testified that it would have been in position from anywhere from frames 207 to 225.
However, I cannot limit it to 207 because at that point the car goes back under the foliage and you can't actually see clearly enough.
Mr. Dulles.
Between frames 207 and 225?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes, sir; approximately frame 207 to approximately frame 225.
Mr. Dulles.
Thank you.
Mr. Specter.
Looking at Exhibit No. 902, frame 313, on the view shown on the "photograph through rifle scope," is that the way you saw it at the time of the reconstruction, when the ear was in that position as shown in that exhibit?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes; it is.
Mr. Specter.
At this time I move for the admission into evidence of Commission Exhibits Nos. 885 through 903 which constitute all of the photographs referred to by Mr. Shaneyfelt and Mr. Frazier during their testimony.
(Commission Exhibits Nos. 885 through 903 were marked for identification, and received in evidence.)
Mr. Mccloy.
They may be admitted.
Mr. Specter.
That completes the questioning.
Mr. Mccloy.
As I get it, Mr. Frazier, what you are saying is there is only a certain point at which the bullet could pass through the President, could have hit Mr. Connally, and that is at a point when he is not sitting full face forward and at a point when he is not too far turned around.
Mr. Frazier.
That is exactly right.
Mr. Mccloy.
Somewhere when he is turning to the right.
Mr. Frazier.
He was placed approximately 20° to the right.
Mr. Mccloy.
To the right.
Mr. Frazier.
That is 20° according to my examination of his clothing but I don't know the exact figures of the angle through his body.
Mr. Specter.
I have one additional question.
Mr. Frazier, assuming the factors which I have asked you to accept as true for the purposes of expressing an opinion before, as to the flight of the bullet and the straight line penetration through the President's body, considering the point of entry and exit, do you have an opinion as to what probably happened during the interval between frames 207 and 225 as to whether the bullet which passed through the neck of the President entered the Governor's back.
Mr. Frazier.
There are a lot of probables in that. First, we have to assume there is absolutely no deflection in the bullet from the time it left the barrel until the time it exited from the Governor's body. That assumes that it has gone through the President's body and through the Governor's body.
I feel that physically this would have been possible because of the positions of the Presidential stand-in and the Governor's stand-in, it would be entirely possible for this to have occurred.
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