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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 167« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Robert A. Frazier Resumed)

Mr. Frazier.
could get a clear shot at the back of the President, and I had the car stopped at this position and then we determined that this was frame 185 from the Zapruder films.
Mr. Dulles.
There are no heavy limbs in there of any kind, are there----
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
That would obstruct a bullet?
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir. The tree--it is a live oak tree which retains its leaves all year around and the limbs at that point are relatively small.
Mr. Dulles.
All right.
Mr. Specter.
Did you compare the appearance of the foliage on the pictures taken by the Secret Service, about which Inspector Kelley earlier testified, with the appearance of the foliage on May 24?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes; I did.
Mr. Specter.
What was that comparison?
Mr. Frazier.
They are so nearly identical that you could not really pick out any difference between the foliage and the photograph taken previously in November.
In Commission Exhibit No. 891, which is marked frame 186, this is the adjusted position to which the car was moved to accommodate the 10-inch distance at which the actual wound in the President would have been located had the car been the actual Presidential limousine rather than the stand-in car.
Mr. Specter.
Were you standing, seated, or kneeling at the time when these photographs were taken and the sighting of the rifle was made by you.
Mr. Frazier.
I was actually sitting on a carton with my left elbow resting on the boxes stacked in front of the window.
Mr. Specter.
Did that position represent to you the most likely position which the rifleman assumed on November 22, 1963, based upon the positioning of the various boxes?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
And the eyewitness accounts as to how far the rifle protruded?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes, sir; it was.
Mr. Specter.
Now, in all of the frames that you have described up to now, did you position the automobile on the street or give instructions over the radio as to where the automobile ought to be stopped for those various sightings?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
I now hand you Commission Exhibits Nos. 892 and 893, and ask you if you observed the views depicted in the "photograph through rifle scope" on each of those exhibits?
Mr. Frazier.
On Commission Exhibit No. 892, also marked frame No. 207, the car was moved forward under the tree to the point where the spot on the Presidential stand-in's back just became visible beyond the foliage of the tree. I had the car stopped at that point so that this photograph could be made there.
On Commission Exhibit No. 893, also marked frame 210, we have the photograph made at the adjusted position to accommodate the 10-inch difference in height between the stand-in and the actual position of the wound above the street and on the President's body.
Mr. Specter.
What was the alinement of President Kennedy's stand-in with Governor Connally's stand-in at frames 207 and 210?
Mr. Frazier.
They both are in direct alinement with the telescopic sight at the window. The Governor is immediately behind the President in the field of view. Was that your question?
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Frazier.
Alinement of people?
Mr. Specter.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Frazier.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Could Governor Connally have taken a shot in the range of frames 207 to 210 which would have traversed his body with the entry and exit points being approximately what they were shown to be through the medical records?
Preliminarily, let me ask you if, for the record, you had seen or had made available to you the contents of the medical records showing the point of entry on the back of the Governor and the point of exit on the front side of his chest?
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