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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 189« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Jesse Edward Curry)

Mr. Curry.
Commerce and turned north to go to Elm Street, that is the second street over, when he got to Main Street they would make a left turn and go right down Main Street to the county jail, and they would turn right on Houston Street and the lead car would pull past the entrance and he would duck in and the gates would be closed and the prisoner would be transferred.
Mr. Rankin.
What happened to these TV cameras that you told them to get out of there?
Mr. Curry.
They moved them back somewhere. I don't know where they moved them but it was away from there.
Mr. Rankin.
Weren't their cameras right there at the time of the shooting?
Mr. Curry.
There were some cameras immediately over, TV cameras, I think over where I had told them to place them earlier that morning. I understood when Chief Batchelor went downstairs and I think Captain Jones of the forgery bureau, immediately prior to the transfer, they found there were some reporters and cameramen in the jail office, and Captain Jones, I believe, asked Chief Batchelor if these should not be removed and he was told yes, they should be removed out into the basement. When they were removed out into the basement instead of them being placed outside of the railing--now this is a decision made by Chief Batchelor, I suppose, because he said put them in the driveway up to the north. Now this is from where Ruby came. So apparently this afforded him an opportunity, from our investigation it was determined that he came down this Main Street ramp.
Mr. Rankin.
How did you determine that?
Mr. Curry.
We interrogated every man that was assigned in the basement. Also every witness who was around there that we could find that knew anything about it.
Mr. Rankin.
Did anyone see him come in on that ramp?
Mr. Curry.
There was a former police officer who told us he saw him go down that ramp, a Negro former police officer.
Mr. RANKIN. Who was that?
Mr. Curry.
I believe his name was Daniels, I think perhaps you have a statement from him, don't you?
Mr. Rankin.
Is he the only one who saw him come in down there?
Mr. Curry.
I believe so.
Mr. Rankin.
Now with these TV cameras down there how would your ruse work about having the armored car go ahead and Oswald climb into Captain Fritz' car? Wouldn't that all be shown on TV?
Mr. Curry.
If it was. We didn't think there would be anybody downtown to be in a position to watching TV that quickly to do anything about it if they wanted to.
Mr. Rankin.
You thought about it though?
Mr. Curry.
Mr. Rankin.
What happened? Were you down there at the time?
Mr. Curry.
No, sir; I would have been but I received a call from my mayor and as I was fixing to go downstairs and I wish that I had been downstairs because I don't know that I could have done anything but you always have this feeling if you were there maybe you could have done something.
But I was called to the telephone and while I was talking to the mayor, why I heard some noises from downstairs and I was up on the third floor, and I heard some shouting, and someone came in and told me that Oswald had been shot.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you learn how the shooting occurred?
Mr. Curry.
Mr. Rankin.
Will you tell us?
Mr. Curry.
I was told that someone sprang from the crowd and pushed a gun into his stomach and fired a shot.
Mr. Rankin.
Do you know who that was?
Mr. Curry.
I was told that the man was named Jack Ruby.
Mr. Rankin.
What else did you learn about it?
Mr. Curry.
Further investigation revealed, and some of my officers who talked to Ruby and talked to his attorney, I believe, were told that he came down that north ramp, and an investigation revealed that one of our officers,
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