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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 68« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Ruth Hyde Paine Resumed)

Mrs. Paine.
I get up often in the night to change a diaper or cover a child, but this is a matter of habit and I don't recall whether this night contained such a getting up or not.
Mr. Jenner.
You sleep with your children, do you not?
Mrs. Paine.
We are in the same bedroom.
Mr. Jenner.
You awakened when in the morning?
Mrs. Paine.
At 7:30.
Mr. Jenner.
And when you awakened, immediately after you awakened what did you do?
Mrs. Paine.
When I awoke I felt the house was extremely quiet and the thought occurred to me that Lee might have overslept. I wondered if he had gotten up in time to get off around 7 o'clock because I knew he had to go to meet Wesley Frazier to catch his ride. I looked about and found a plastic coffee cup in the sink that had clearly been used and judged he had had a cup of coffee and left.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you see any other evidence of his having had breakfast?
Mrs. Paine.
That was all he normally had for breakfast.
Mr. Jenner.
A plastic coffee cup with some remains in it of coffee?
Mrs. Paine.
Instant coffee; yes.
Mr. Jenner.
What was his habit with respect to his breakfast when he made his visits?
Mrs. Paine.
It was very normal for him to take coffee.
Mr. Jenner.
Was Marina up and about when you arose at 7:30?
Mrs. Paine.
No; she was not.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you have a recollection of the garage area? Was the door to the garage, the entrance to the garage from the kitchen, closed or open?
Mrs. Paine.
It was closed. Would it help if I tried to narrate what happened?
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Mccloy.
Go ahead and narrate.
Mrs. Paine.
I fixed breakfast for myself and my children, turned on the television set to hear President Kennedy speak in Fort Worth, and had breakfast there. I left the house about 9 with my little girl and boy, because she had a dentist appointment, the little girl. I left the television set on, feeling that Marina might not think to turn it on, but I knew that she would be interested to see President Kennedy.
I then was gone until nearly noon, 11:30 or so, both to the dentist and on some errands following that, came back and there was coverage of the fact of the motorcade in Dallas, but there was no television cameras showing it, as you know, and. Marina thanked me for having left the television set on. She said she woke up in kind of a bad mood, but she had seen the arrival of President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy at the airport in Dallas, and had been thrilled with this occasion and with the greeting he had received, and it had lifted her spirits.
Very shortly after this time, I had only just begun to prepare the lunch, the announcement was made that the President had been shot, and I translated this to Marina. She had not caught it from the television statement. And I was crying as I did the translation. And then we sat down and waited at the television set, no longer interested in the preparing of lunch, and waited to hear further word.
I got out some candles and lit them, and my little girl also lighted a candle, and Marina said to me, "Is that a way of praying?", and I said "Yes, it is, just my own way." And it was well over an hour before we heard definitely that the President was dead.
Mr. Jenner.
How did that come to your attention?
Mrs. Paine.
It was announced on the television. I think it was even still in the intervening time. It was announced on the television that the shot which was supposed to have killed the President was fired from the Texas School Book Depository Building on Elm.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you communicate that to her?
Mrs. Paine.
Marina at this time was in the yard hanging some clothes. I recall going out to her and telling her this.
Mr. Jenner.
What did she say?
Mrs. Paine.
I don't believe she said anything. I then also--
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