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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 319« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Helen Markham)

Mrs. Markham.
No. He told--you see, I didn't understand this man, but my boss could.
Mr. Dulles.
He came to you in the restaurant?
Mrs. Markham.
Yes. And I was scared, which I was scared of everybody. I was upset and trying to work, too, and he was--he come to me and he asked for me and, of course, they knew who I was because I was there so long.
Mr. Dulles.
When was that?
Mrs. Markham.
I don't recall the date.
Mr. Dulles.
Was it 2 or 3 days after the assassination or was it right after?
Mrs. Markham.
It was quite some time after.
Mr. Dulles.
Some time after?
Mrs. Markham.
Mr. Dulles.
A week or more, maybe?
Mrs. Markham.
Representative Ford.
Can you describe this man?.
Mrs. Markham.
He had-he was dark complected, very nice man, black horn-rimmed glasses, blackheaded, and he was build kind of--
Mr. Dulles.
What did he ask you--excuse me.
Representative Ford.
Was he tall or short, heavy set?
Mrs. Markham.
About medium, I guess. I didn't pay much attention to the man.
Representative Ford.
Did he have an accent?
Mrs. Markham.
Yes, he did.
Representative Ford.
Was it difficult for you to understand him because of this accent?
Mrs. Markham.
Yes. This is what this man told me. He told me he told my boss and my boss also told me, my boss stood right beside me.
Representative Ford.
Did he speak in English with an accent?
Mrs. Markham.
Yes But this man told me the Government sent him.
Representative Ford.
Did he identify which government?
Mrs. Markham.
He had--he showed me who he was. He was a news reporter.
Mr. Dulles.
Did he say whether he was a foreigner or an American citizen?
Mrs. Markham.
I can't remember. I was too scared. But he did show me his identification, his picture and everything. The Government had sent him to me, which he was coming to Washington. He was supposed to be here, and then back somewhere in Dallas, I think he told me.
Mr. Dulles.
Could you recall the questions he asked you?
Mrs. Markham.
He just asked me very few questions. This man asked me about if the police had taken me down to the police station and did I see anything after I went into the police station, hear any TV, or see any TV, any radio, newspapers, or anybody talked to me, and I said they did not.
Representative Ford.
Did your employer listen to the questions and answers?
Mrs. Markham.
Yes, James Gambolis listened to it.
Mr. Dulles.
We will take a moment's recess.
(A short recess was taken.)
Mr. Ball.
On the 22d of November, 1963, that is the day of the shooting, did you talk to an FBI agent named Odum? Do you remember?
Mrs. Markham.
I talked to some people, men, down at the police station.
Mr. Ball.
That is right. He says that you described the man who shot Tippit as a white male, about 18, black hair, red complexion, wearing black shoes, tan jacket, and dark trousers. Do you remember that?
Mrs. Markham.
I never said anything about his shoes because I never did look at his feet.
Mr. Ball.
Did you say about 18?
Mrs. Markham.
I said he was young looking.
Mr. Ball.
Did you give that age, 18?
Mrs. Markham.
No, I don't believe I did.
Mr. Ball.
Did you say he had black hair?
Mrs. Markham.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
You thought he was black-haired?
Mrs. Markham.
Yes, that is what I told him. I thought he was black-haired. I remember saying that.
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