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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 155« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Howard Leslie Brennan)

Mr. Belin.
window of the Texas School Book Depository, but you stated you could not positively identify Oswald as the person you saw fire the rifle.
Now, is this an accurate recording of the statement you made to the FBI on or about November 227
Mr. Brennan.
Yes; I believe--
Mr. Belin.
In other words, that part of the FBI statement is correct, as to what you told them?
Mr. Brennan.
Mr. Belin.
What was the fact as to whether you could or could not identify the person, apart from what you told them?
Mr. Brennan.
Why did I--
Mr. Belin.
What was the fact. Could you or could you not actually identify this person as the man you saw firing the rifle?
Mr. Brennan.
I believed I could with all fairness and sincerity. As you asked me the question before, had I saw those pictures of Oswald prior, which • naturally I don't know whether it confused me or made me feel as though I was taking unfair advantage or what. But with all fairness, I could have positively identified the man.
Mr. Belin.
Now, on December 17 there appears to be another interview that you had with an agent of the FBI in which you at that time, according to this report, stated that you could now say that you were sure that Lee Harvey Oswald was the person you saw in the window at the time of the assassination, but that when you first saw him in a lineup you felt positive identification was was not necessary, because it was your understanding that Oswald had already been charged with the slaying of Officer Tippit, and you also said that another factor was that you had observed his picture on television prior to the time of identification, and that that tended to cloud any identification you made of Oswald at the police department.
Now, does this December 17 interview accurately record what you told the

FBI with regard to that matter of identification?
Mr. Brennan.
I believe it does.
Mr. Belin.
Now, later we have an interview on January 7 with the FBI in which at that time the interview records that while you were at home and before you returned to view the lineup, which included the possible assassin of President Kennedy, you observed Lee Harvey Oswald's picture on television, and that you said that this, of course, did not help you retain the original impression of the man in the window with the rifle, but that upon seeing Lee Harvey Oswald in the police lineup, you felt that Oswald most resembled the man whom you had seen in the window.
Now, is that what you told the man on January 7--that Oswald most resembled the man that you had seen in the window?
Mr. Brennan.
Mr. Belin.
Does that mean you could not give him a positive identification at that time, but could merely say he most resembled the man in the window?
Mr. Brennan.
Well, I felt that I could. But for personal reasons I didn't
feel like that at that moment it was compulsory and I did not want to give a positive identification at that time.
Mr. Belin.
Now, this last interview was on January 7th. You still felt these personal reasons as recently as January 7th, then?
Mr. Brennan.
No. I felt better about it. This is the first guy that
Mr. Belin.
No. I am referring now to the last interview you had on January 7th, in which it says that you felt that Oswald most resembled the man you had seen in the window.
Is that what you told them?
Mr. Brennan.
You mean told this man?
Mr. Belin.
On January 7th; yes, sir.
Mr. Brennan.
No; I don't believe I told this man in those words. I told him what I had said at the lineup. But he might have misinterpreted that I was saying that again.
Mr. Belin.
In other words--well, I don't want to say in other words.
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