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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 152« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Howard Leslie Brennan)

Mr. Belin.
on the extreme north part of Elm, but really appears to be on that part which is going down to the Freeway.
Mr. Brennan.
Oh, is that right? Yes; you are correct there.
Mr. Belin.
Now, is this accurate, or was it one that you saw parked right in front of the building?
Mr. Brennan.
Right next to the curb in front of the building.
Mr. Belin.
Would it be behind--you might put the letter "M" to show the car which it is behind now.
Mr. Brennan.
All right.
Mr. Belin.
You have put the letter "M" on Exhibit 477 to show the car behind the one which the Secret Service car was parked.
Mr. Brennan.
Mr. Belin.
At this time I believe Exhibits 477, 478 and 479 should be reoffered to show all of the markings that the witness has made on these exhibits.
Mr. Dulles.
They shall be admitted as remarked.
(The documents referred to, previously marked for identification as Commission's Exhibit Nos. 477, 478, and 479 were readmitted into evidence.)
Mr. Belin.
And also Exhibit 361 should be reoffered.
Mr. Dulles.
What is 361?
Mr. Belin.
It is the large chart which also has been marked on.
Mr. Dulles.
It shall be admitted again, remarked.
(The chart referred to, previously marked as Commission's Exhibit No. 361 for identification, was readmitted into evidence.)
Mr. Belin.
Mr. Brennan, in this sixth floor window, where you saw the gun fired, did you see any objects of any kind in the window, or near the window?
Mr. Brennan.
Yes. Through the window, which I referred to as back in the book store building, I could see stacks of boxes.
Mr. Belin.
Now, I hand you what has been marked as Exhibit 480, which appears to be a picture of the Texas School Book Depository Building, which was taken shortly after this time.
I believe on the fifth floor you can see on two of the open windows there some people looking out, and Exhibit 481 is a picture of the east windows on the south side of the fifth and sixth floors, and Exhibit 482 is an enlargement of 481.
First of all, on Exhibits 481 and 482, do you recognize any of these two persons in the fifth floor window as people you saw there?
Mr. Brennan.
No; I do not recognize them.
As positive identification I cannot recognize them.
Now, I see where there is a possibility I did make a mistake. I believe these two colored boys was in this window, and I believe I showed on that other exhibit that they were in this window.
Mr. Belin.
All right.
I am going to hand you now
Mr. Brennan.
The only thing I said is that they were one window over below the man that fired the gun.
Mr. Belin.
Well, I hand you Commission Exhibit 477, where you marked a "B" at the point there you first said you saw the Negro men. Is this the one you say now you might have been mistaken?
Mr. Brennan.
Yes; I believe I was mistaken. I believe the two men that I identified was in this window.
Mr. Belin.
You are pointing to the window to the east of where you have now marked "B"?
Mr. Brennan.
That I am not positive of. I just remember that they were over one window from below him, which at that time I might have thought this was one window over.
Mr. Belin.
All right. Let me ask you this. On Exhibit 481, does the condition of the opening of the windows in the fifth floor appear to be that which you saw on the afternoon of November 22?
Mr. Brennan.
Yes. These do.
Mr. Belin.
You are pointing to the fifth-floor windows now?
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