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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 514« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Ruth Hyde Paine Resumed)

Mr. Jenner.
But when you came out of the house he had already started the motor and backed the car into the street?
Mrs. Paine.
No, no; I let him back it out.
Mr. Jenner.
You did?
Mrs. Paine.
I was deciding what I was going to do.
Mr. Dulles.
You were in the car at that time?
Mrs. Paine.
Yes, I had gotten in the car at that time.
Representative Ford.
And he was in the driver's seat?
Mrs. Paine.
Representative Ford.
Mr. Jenner.
Was he in the driver's seat when you came out of the house?
Mr. Paine.
That is my recollection. Then, referring now to the practice of his parking.
Mr. Jenner.
Excuse me, Representative Ford, the witness had also related to us, which we had not known, when she came to New Orleans in the spring to bring Marina from Irving to New Orleans, that Lee Harvey Oswald told her that he had driven his uncle's car, one of the Murrets, in New Orleans on the street.
Go ahead.
Representative Ford.
Perhaps 1 should say that I have been absent for a half hour or so attending a very important committee meeting, so I didn't get this story from the outset and I appreciate being brought up to date on it.
Mrs. Paine.
There were two occasions when we practiced parking, one in the larger parking lot just backing into, pretending there were cars there to back between, as in parallel parking, and another occasion directly in front of my house. On this second occasion directly in front of my house he finally learned how to do it. He had had a bad time, getting his wheels too cramped and not getting in, and getting his wheels straightened out, a beginner's mistakes.
Finally, I got into the car and told him when to start reversing the twist on his wheel and cramp, and he said, so soon. It was a surprise. It didn't feel to him it was time already to start coming out of the turn.
And then he saw that it was when he then got into the parking place correctly, and quite soon got the feel of it but this was clearly his first experience doing it right, and then he practiced doing it right several times, and he learned quite well, I thought.
(At this point, Chief Justice Warren entered the hearing room.)
Representative Ford.
On these subsequent occasions did he ask you to help him or did he take the keys and do it on his own initiative?
Mrs. Paine.
No, he never took the keys. I offered to give him--give Lee lessons on Sunday afternoons and we managed to do it a few Sunday afternoons, I think three altogether and there were a couple of weekends when we didn't get the lesson in, something intervened.
Representative Ford.
This was in October of 1963?
Mrs. Paine.
October and November. I think the last lesson was November 10, being the last Sunday.
Mr. Dulles.
What progress did he make over that period?
Mrs. Paine.
Mr. Dulles.
Reasonable progress?
Mrs. Paine.
Very reasonable progress. I thought he learned well, as I have
said, both backing and to make a right-angle turn, and really began to understand the feeling of parking.
Representative Ford.
Did he indicate to you when he might apply for a driver's license?
Mrs. Paine.
Yes. Oh, yes. Thank you. It is a whole new section.
Mr. Jenner.
I was about to go into that.
Mr. Dulles.
There was some testimony on that point, I believe.
Mrs. Paine.
Representative Ford.
Mr. Frazier testified that Oswald mentioned to him that he was going to or had, 1 am not sure which, and I was wondering whether he mentioned it to you?
Mr. Dulles.
Got in line.
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