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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 420« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Michael R. Paine)

I found on the back side a mark where it shows the whole map of the whole area, the Dallas-Fort Worth area, a little mark where our house is, that is the kind of mark that I would make when I was trying to buy some land earlier and had in mind for a long time and I wanted to find the location that was accessible to the places I would then want to go.
Mr. Liebeler.
Can you tell us--
Mr. Paine.
This mark is still here.
Representative Form.
This is the mark or can you identify that mark that you placed on this map?
Mr. Paine.
Yes, I think I see a mark here of the sort which looks reasonable to me. I think it is the only mark on this side of the map. Generally, I didn't make marks on the other side of the map.
Mr. Liebeler.
In your statement referring to one side of the map you were referring to the side that shows a map of the entire Fort Worth-Dallas area, is that correct?
Mr. Paine.
That is correct.
Mr. Liebeler.
And you say as best you can see there is only one mark on this side of the map?
Mr. Paine.
That is the only one that is here, that I remember having found. I don't remember finding another one.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember putting that mark on the map?
Mr. Paine.
I remember putting--I think I put this kind of mark on more than one map. That is our house. It then helps locate it with regard to all the arteries and what not that lead to various places.
Mr. Liebeler.
You do think then it is probable that you did place the mark on the map that indicates the location of your house in Irving, Tex.; is that correct?
Mr. Paine.
Yes, I think that is correct.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you know whether or not Oswald ever came into possession of this map?
Mr. Paine.
And Ruth gave Oswald a map to--she told me she gave him a map, and this is the kind we have around the house, the best one she could get in the service station, to help him find a job, or help him when he was searching for a job.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember any other conversations with your wife about the map before the assassination?
Mr. Paine.
No, I don't believe she told me she had given him the map. I don't believe we discussed it at all.
Mr. Liebeler.
Would you open the map to the portion that shows the area of Dallas. I call your attention to a mark at the intersection of Boll Street and San Jacinto, and ask you if you have any recollection of placing that mark on the map?
Mr. Paine.
No, I don't have any recollection of placing that mark on the map.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember any circumstances that might make it likely that you placed that mark on the map?
Mr. Paine.
I could have placed that mark on the map when I was looking for properties. I went down to the courthouse to get plats of the areas that I was thinking of buying, and they had a copy of the plat, and so they sent it out late on Saturday, short of 12 o'clock, and just short of closing, and it was a reproduction company at that address or near that address.
Mr. Liebeler.
Is that the L. L. Ridgway Co.?
Mr. Paine.
Yes. That is the company that I am referring to. I don't know exactly.
Mr. Liebeler.
But it is near the intersection we have just referred to?
Mr. Paine.
I will take your word for that.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you know that it is?
Mr. Paine.
No, I don't know. I think the FBI man said it was. 1 hadn't looked into it and didn't check it.
Mr. Liebeler.
You haven't any knowledge at this point whether the Ridgway company is in this intersection or not?
Mr. Paine.
I remember it is right beside the expressway and in about that area. I don't remember the names of the roads.
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