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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 316« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Katherine Ford)

Mrs. Ford.
have happened in Germany and he says he felt like it was his duty to get rid of men where he was a Fascist, speaking about General Walker.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Marina say anything about Lee's attitude toward Governor Connally?
Mrs. Ford.
No; she never discussed that,
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you talk to Marina about Marina's feelings toward Mrs, Paine?
Mrs. Ford.
Lately, I have been talking to her about that, and Mrs. Paine, I know, tried to contact her and asked Marina why she did not want to write to her, because I know that she had written to her often. Somehow she doesn't like Mrs. Paine and then she said she feels that Martin told her that Mrs. Paine was making money on her articles about Marina, and she don't like that.
I got, even lately, Mrs. Paine called me up, and I believe it was only a pretense because she knew that I had a contact with Marina and she wanted to see Marina. She came to my house and told me she wanted for me to read in Russian very slowly that she could follow me for her students. She is teaching Russian to some students in private school and that she could record it and then listen to it, and she said she would pay me for the services, and at the time, the same time.
So, I had Marina that evening, I know she would want to see her, so I invited Marina to my house and at the time Mrs. Paine was coming.
Mr. Liebeler.
You told her Mrs. Paine was coming?
Mrs. Ford.
Yes; I told her Mrs. Paine was coming and she only said she didn't want Mrs. Paine for her to know the telephone number or the house she lives in. She said she would come in all the time and she didn't exactly like her. She didn't want to see her at her house, not now anyway, she said.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Marina and Mrs. Paine meet this evening at your house?
Mrs. Ford.
Yes; they did, they talked.
Mr. Liebeler.
What did they say to each other?
Mrs. Ford.
Well, frankly, I got an idea that Mrs. Paine came there to convince Marina to write a book with Mr. Levine who is rather persistent about it at the moment. He wants to start writing a book before Marina finishes with her lawyer and attorney--and her manager. She knows and she is advised by her attorney now not to do it before it is finished, and I think Mrs. Paine tried to talk her into it.
Mr. Liebeler.
They didn't discuss anything about the assassination or Mrs. Oswald's testimony before the Commission?
Mrs. Ford.
No; I did not hear it.
Mr. Liebeler.
So far as you heard.
Did Marina ever tell you anything about the trip to Mexico that Lee Oswald took?
Mrs. Ford.
Well, let's see. I think she was saying something about it that she did not mention to the FBI but she mentioned it to the Commission. She did say that. And that the FBI wanted to talk with her, that was the reason they wanted to come back again and talk with her. They came to my house quite often during the time she stayed at my house and talked with her, and she said that was the subject, and they asked her why she did not say it to start with, and she said well, she had begun to get tired of the FBI and she didn't like to talk with them.
Mr. Liebeler.
The FBI had been interviewing her while she stayed. at your place?
Mrs. Ford.
That is right.
Mr. Liebeler.
Have you been present at any of those interviews?
Mrs. Ford.
No; unless they needed--no; I was not present.
Mr. Liebeler.
You were present at an FBI interview at Mr. McKenzie's office at one time?
Mrs. Ford.
At Mr. McKenzie's office, that is right.
Mr. Liebeler.
Was there a translator present when the FBI interviewed Marina?
Mrs. Ford.
Yes; there is at the moment.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you know his name?
Mrs. Ford.
Mr. Gopadze.
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