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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 276« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of )

Mr. Mcwatters.
Mr. Ball.
Your bus line doesn't run down Beckley?
Mr. Mcwatters.
No, sir.
Mr. Ball.
It doesn't run seven blocks, close to Beckley? Have you seen this? Here is Beckley and here is Marsalis, the bus line. Is there a bus route on Beckley?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes, sir; there is.
Mr. Ball.
Can you get a bus that goes down Beckley some place around Houston and Elm?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes, sir; the bus comes, the Beckley bus comes in on St. Paul and Elm, in other words, at the time that I was, before we started, in other words, that is where the Beckley bus enters Elm Street there and then he goes the same route through town.
Mr. Ball.
Same route you go down to the Houston viaduct?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes. In other words, after the Book Depository down there, he goes straight on.
Mr. Ball.
Let me ask you this: The Beckley bus, the bus that will take you south on Beckley, has a starting point the same place as yours at St. Paul and Elm?
Mr. Mcwatters.
St. Paul, in other words, the time element is the same. In other words, he comes in there.
Mr. Ball.
Then that Beckley bus goes west on Elm the same as your bus?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
But instead of turning south on the Houston Street viaduct the Beckley bus goes straight west on Elm, doesn't it?
Mr. Mcwatters.
That is correct.
Mr. Ball.
Can you show us the bus stop for the Beckley bus on this Commission Exhibit No. 361?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Well, yes; his last bus stop would be right here at the corner of--
Mr. Ball.
Let's put a mark on this. Here is a red pencil, and put a mark on this in red and show us the place where the Beckley bus would stop.
Mr. Mcwatters.
It would stop--in other words, we consider this corner of this intersection right here, any letter or what.
Mr. Ball.
Just put a rectangular mark about the size of a bus indicating bus stop--take black ink and indicating a place where the bus would stop.
Mr. Mcwatters.
In other words, the bus would stop along in this place right here.
Mr. Ball.
All right, now that is bus stop for Beckley bus.
Mr. Mcwatters.
That is bus stop for Beckley bus.
Mr. Ball.
Northeast corner Houston and Elm.
Mr. Mcwatters.
Northeast corner of Houston and Elm.
Mr. Ball.
The Beckley bus goes on across directly in front of the Texas School Book Depository Building?
Mr. Mcwatters.
That is correct.
Mr. Ball.
As your bus gets into another lane of traffic and does not stop at Houston and Elm and makes a turn south on Houston.
Mr. Mcwatters.
Mr. Ball.
Then the Beckley bus stop, the stop of the Beckley bus, which is in black ink on the northeast corner of Houston and Elm, we will mark that with a big "B" which stands for Beckley bus.
Representative Ford.
How long have you been on this run that you had the day of November 22?
Mr. Mcwatters.
I worked this run for, I would say, this is the, second year. This makes 2 years that I worked this.
Representative Ford.
Two years consecutively?
Mr. Mcwatters.
2 years consecutively that I have been on this run and worked it.
Representative Ford.
So you would be familiar with the route?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes, sir; just like I say. I worked it, this is the second year that I have worked the same, in other words, the same hours, and the same route.
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