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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 193« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James Richard , Jr. Worrell)

Mr. Specter.
On which street were you watching them come?
Mr. Worrell.
This way.
Mr. Specter.
Look at Exhibit 359 and pick out which street they were on?
Mr. Worrell.
They were coming down this way, so on and so forth.
Mr. Specter.
Well, now, were they Coming down Elm Street or were they coming down Main Street with a righthand turn on to Houston Street with a curve on Houston down Elm, recollect it if you can?
Mr. Worrell.
That is right. They did turn around.
Mr. Specter.
Did they come down--
Mr. Worrell.
I didn't see him up there.
Mr. Specter.
Where was the President's motorcade at the time you first saw it?
Mr. Worrell.
Oh, about right in here.
Mr. Specter.
Proceeding in this direction. indicating in a generally northerly direction on Houston Street, right?
Mr. Worrell.
Yes, north.
Mr. Specter.
Then tell us what the President's motorcade did?
Mr. Worrell.
It turned and went down this way.
Mr. Specter.
Made a left-hand or right-hand turn?
Mr. Worrell.
Left-hand turn.
Mr. Specter.
Did it pass right by in front of where you were standing?
Mr. Worrell.
Within a hundred feet, I guess.
Mr. Specter.
Were you able to get a pretty good view of the President's motorcade?
Mr. Worrell.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
All right; go ahead and tell us.
Mr. Worrell.
Didn't get too good a view of the President either, I missed out on there too. But as they went by, they got, oh at least another 50, 75 feet on past me, and then I heard the shots.
Mr. Specter.
How many shots did you hear?
Mr. Worrell.
Mr. Specter.
Did you observe anything at about that time?
Mr. Worrell.
Yes, sir, I looked up and saw the rifle, but I would say about 6 inches of it.
Mr. Specter.
And where did you see the rifle?
Mr. Worrell.
I am not going--I am not too sure but 1 told the FBI it was either in the fifth or the sixth floor on the far corner, on the east side.
Mr. Specter.
Now looking at the picture which we have identified as Commission Exhibit No. 360. which is where you have drawn an "X," can you indicate the line of vision which you followed to the point where the rifle was to the best of your ability to recollect?
Mr. Worrell.
Well, when I heard the first shot it was too loud to be a firecracker, I knew that, because there was quite a big boom, and I don't know, just out of nowhere, I looked up like that, just straight up.
Mr. Specter.
Indicating you looked straight back over your head, raising your head to look over your body at the 90 degree angle?
Mr. Worrell.
Yes; and I saw it for the second time and I looked back to the motorcade.
Mr. Specter.
What did you observe at that time?
Mr. Worrell.
I Saw about 6 inches of the gun, the rifle. It had--well it had a regular long barrel but it had a long stock and you could only see maybe 4 inches of the barrel, and I could see--
Mr. Specter.
Were you able to observe any of the stock?
Mr. Worrell.
Oh, yes.
Mr. Specter.
How much of the stock were you able to observe?
Mr. Worrell.
Just very little, just about 2 inches.
Mr. Specter.
How many inches of the barrel then could you observe protruding beyond the stock?
Mr. Worrell.
About 4 inches, I would say, not very much.
Mr. Specter.
Now, at the time of the second shot were you able to observe anything at that precise instant?
Mr. Worrell.
You mean as to firing it.
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