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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 151« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Rufus Wayne , Special Agent, Youngblood)

Mr. Youngblood.
Almost all directions.
Mr. Specter.
Did you have a reaction with respect to looking in the direction from which you thought the danger was emanating?
Mr. Youngblood.
I think I first looked to the right--but to the right, forward, up, as much as I could scan, and also the, people in the Presidential followup car. Because I recall seeing at the time one of our agents, Hickey, who was in the Presidential followup car, in almost a standing position with an AR-15 looking back and up.
Mr. Specter.
Are you able to fix the precise time of the assassination?
Mr. Youngblood.
I would say 12:30. I was to keep the times. The Vice President was asking me if we were running on time, and so forth. And so he asked me how much further, and I would call back to our followup car and ask them how many more miles and so forth.
So, for this reason, I was at that time keeping up with the time very closely. And when we turned the corner, I noticed an illuminated clock sign on this building, which I now know is the School Book Depository Building.
And that clock indicated 12:30. And the reason it is significant is because this was the time we were supposed to arrive at the Trade Mart.
Representative Ford.
As you looked at the school depository building, and noticed this clock, where is the clock? Can you identify it?
Mr. Youngblood.
This, right here.
Representative Ford.
It is on top of the roof?
Mr. Youngblood.
Yes, sir; right up here.
Representative Ford.
And this is after you turned from Main Street on to Houston Street?
Mr. Youngblood.
We were on Houston Street--just as soon as we got on Houston Street. And I looked up and I saw it there.
Representative Ford.
Did you notice anything else on the building as you scanned it from the top down, or from the bottom up?
Mr. Youngblood.
I noticed open windows, and some people, I think. But I didn't notice this particular window.
Representative Ford.
You saw nothing unusual in any of the open windows that you noticed?
Mr. Youngblood.
Well, sir, all through the day here we had been passing buildings with windows and people. And that I saw. But I saw nothing unusual.
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Youngblood, what is your best estimate as to the time it took to get to Parkland Hospital after the shooting occurred?
Mr. Youngblood.
I believe it was between 5 and 8 minutes, something of that nature.
(At this point, Representative Ford withdrew from the hearing room.)
Mr. Specter.
And at what speed did your automobile proceed, based on your best estimate, en route from the shooting to Parkland Hospital?
Mr. Youngblood.
I believe we were going around 60 or 70 miles an hour at times.
Mr. Specter.
Now, did you observe President Kennedy or Governor Connally being removed from the President's automobile?
Mr. Youngblood.
No, sir; because I had--as I mentioned before I had told the Vice President, or suggested to the Vice President that we did not want to linger, and get into the building as quickly as we could, and we would find out the condition of the other party after we got into a safe place.
Mr. Specter.
Had they already been taken in by the time you arrived at the scene?
Mr. Youngblood.
No, sir; I don't hardly see how they could have been, because we arrived almost simultaneously with them. It was just a matter of opening the door and getting out of the car and hastily walking right on past. I think they were in the act of removing these people, but I don't think they would have had time to have removed them.
Mr. Specter.
Did you enter the emergency entrance as well?
Mr. Youngblood.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Now, I interrupted you before when you were describing the security arrangements which you were making on the room to which you took
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