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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 11« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James Herbert Martin Resumed)

Mr. Martin.
Yes, until I had my telephone number changed and then she couldn't find the phone number so she came over to the house.
Mr. Redlich.
What happened when she came to the house?
Mr. Martin.
Nothing, I let her in the house and Marina and the children were back in the den and the Secret Service men went back into the den, and I don't believe she knew that she was there.
Mr. Dulles.
Was the change in number, did it have anything to do with Marina as objecting to receiving the calls?
Mr. Martin.
No. That was strictly because the press pressure.
Mr. Dulles.
The presence of the press?
Mr. Redlich.
I would like to go back to this incident when Mrs. Paine came to see Marina. You say Marina did not know that Mrs. Paine was there?
Mr. Martin.
Yes, she knew it.
Mr. Redlich.
She knew that Mrs. Paine was there?
Mr. Martin.
Mrs. Paine didn't know that Marina was there.
Mr. Redlich.
But Marina knew that Mrs. Paine was there?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Redlich.
Did Marina see Mrs. Paine at that time?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Redlich.
Did you talk to Marina at that time?
Mr. Martin.
Well, before and after.
Mr. Redlich.
At the time Mrs. Paine was there did you personally tell Marina that Mrs. Paine wanted to see her?
Mr. Martin.
I told her before Mrs. Paine came in the door that Mrs. Paine was here, and she said she didn't want to see her. She stayed in the den, and Mrs. Paine was in the living room.
Mr. Redlich.
Then did you convey this message to Mrs. Paine yourself?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Redlich.
Who did?
Mr. Martin.
Well, she came with the intention or for the purpose of bringing a package to Marina that she had received in the mail, and I don't believe she knew that Marina was living there. I told her at that time that because of security that Marina wasn't seeing anyone but I don't believe she knew that Marina was at that address until later.
Mr. Redlich.
When Mrs. Paine called your home prior to the change of phone, did you speak to Mrs. Paine?
Mr. Martin.
No, my wife did.
Mr. Redlich.
Do you recall the nature of the conversations between your wife and Mrs. Paine as reported to you?
Mr. Martin.
Well, let's see, she called and asked for Marina or asked to get in touch with Marina. My wife gave me the number and I guess I called her back.
Mr. Redlich.
You called Mrs. Paine back?
Mr. Martin.
A day or two later, yes.
Mr. Redlich.
What did you say to her?
Mr. Martin.
I told her that under the present circumstances she just didn't want to see anybody, and also the security on her didn't permit her to go out too far. That we could possibly arrange a meeting at some middle point later on.
Mr. Redlich.
Was Marina free to see anyone she wanted to see?
Mr. Martin.
Mr. Redlich.
And the reason she didn't see Mrs. Paine was because she didn't want to see Mrs. Paine?
Mr. Martin.
Yes. I asked her several times to call her, at least call Mrs. Paine and tell her she didn't want to see her, and she just shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't want to talk to her.
Mr. Redlich.
Did Marina ever tell you why she didn't want to talk to her?
Mr. Martin.
She said something about Mrs. Paine talking too much, and she didn't like Mrs. Paine's children.
Mr. Redlich.
Were you aware at the time that Marina had lived with Mrs. Paine?
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