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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 105« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Roy H. , Special Agent, Secret Kellerman)

Mr. Kellerman.
No; not that I recall.
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Chairman, that completes our questions, sir.
Representative Ford.
As you turned from Houston onto Elm, you were then facing the triple overpass?
Mr. Kellerman.
Yes, sir.
Representative Ford.
You were looking forward at the time?
Mr. Kellerman.
Representative Ford.
You were not looking to the side particularly, or back at all?
Mr. Kellerman.
Don't let me change your thought, Mr. Congressman. But as we turned left on Elm, there is also another curve before you get to this overpass.
Representative Ford.
A rather slight curve to the right?
Mr. Kellerman.
Very much. I still knew there was an overpass.
Representative Ford.
But your concentration was ahead?
Mr. Kellerman.
Representative Ford.
Not to the side or to the rear?
Mr. Kellerman.
No; not to the rear especially; that is true. Let me explain a little more. When you are riding in this automobile, which is with him, and on your right side, naturally you are observing more on the right. It is obvious. However, you still have time periodically to glance over to the left for viewing anything that might be of a danger--whether it is people or any other object.
Representative Ford.
There is no way you would know from personal observation in what direction the President was looking at the time he was hit by the first shot?
Mr. Kellerman.
That is right; I would not.
Representative Ford.
Could you outline for us here the process by which you were put in charge of this particular operation?
Mr. Kellerman.
Representative Ford.
Can you outline for us the procedure that is followed in such cases?
Mr. Kellerman.
Yes, indeed. As I said earlier, we have three people, for a better word, in charge of the White House detail. Mr. Behn--Gerald Behn--is the special agent in charge. There are two assistants, Floyd Boring and myself. On all trips this was a divided matter. And this one was my trip. Not that I picked it or anything. It was my trip that Mr. Behn said, "You will make this one with the President." The other two people would have other duties to do. And this is how it fell on to me for that day, sir.
Representative Ford.
Once this assignment is made by Mr. Behn, what happens after that?
Mr. Kellerman.
In regard to who, sir?
Representative Ford.
To your responsibilities.
Mr. Kellerman.
The overall.
Representative Ford.
In other words, from that assignment by Mr. Behn, you take charge; you execute; you make assignments and so forth?
Mr. Kellerman.
Only one thing. I am not going to say that I don't make assignments. Mr. Congressman, these people all work in a team form. We have three shifts. They work together for a long time, and to say this, that they knew each other's footprints, is probably an overstatement. But they know each other's methods. Let me go back just one step further. I want to give it clear to you.
Let's say the four or five stops that we had in Texas on this visit--we had one overnight in Fort Worth. All right. Each time, each stop that we make, the individual that we had sent out ahead to set up and coordinate the program with the people in that area, whether it is security or otherwise, through communications for the days he is away, he keeps us abreast of what is going on, who to expect, and so forth.
And, again, I should say that in the morning of the 22d in Fort Worth, this lad called me Mr. Lawson--asked about the top, whether it should remain on or off, which decision was reached from Mr. O'Donnell. I then asked him--I said, "Are we going to be all right in Dallas?" He said, "Oh, yes; it is a good program." Fine. If and when we ever arrived at that spot, I would ask this
Mr. Kellerman.
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