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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 449« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Kenneth Lawry Dowe)

Mr. Hansen.
Well, to my way of thinking, I would say you asked me a direct question. Every parade that I work, I work so many parades downtown, usually any kind of parade, if it is like you start at 10 o'clock, your colored people come, they are the first ones, because they are going to have a front row. Before anybody comes to work, they are down there. Then you got the ones that, the mommas that haven't washed the dishes, and then the poppas, and I am satisfied it was that same way that day. But from this here, to me, that would indicate that that was that same morning.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you have a clear recollection at that time that it was that morning, or were you just surmising?
Mr. Hansen.
I don't, butt I do recall this--I don't have a clear recollection now, but you know, there is a little concrete thing around the city hail up there about this high, and they got some flowers in there, and on a normal day, just any regular run-of-the-day week, I mean a day in the week, you wouldn't find anybody sifting on that thing unless it is men that work for the schools and get their paychecks. I do recall there were four or five people, come to think about it. I remember they were spotted. Maybe a guy sitting here, and there.
Mr. Griffin.
The fact that there were four or five people, that makes you think it was the day of the motorcade?
Mr. Hansen.
Well, a normal day, like I said, Monday through Friday, there wouldn't be anybody sitting on there unless it was a day that the old men come down to get their paychecks.
Mr. Griffin.
Would that have been on Thursday?
Mr. Hansen.
It would have been more than four or five, because I can't help but remember because they blocked the whole sidewalk and spit snuff.
Mr. Griffin.
Is there anything that makes you think it was the day of the President's motorcade?
Mr. Hansen.
Nothing else that I can remember outside I do remember there was several people sitting on that, which is unusual unless there is something going on.
Mr. Griffin.
Would you be willing to say positively that it was the day of the President's motorcade?
Mr. Hansen.
No; I wouldn't just make a flat statement, because I don't feel like I can. I am not that positive. But like I say, an ordinary day, unless there is something going on, ordinarily there wouldn't be anybody sitting on that little stone railing around there.
Mr. Griffin.
In your mind, is there just as much chance that it could have been the day of the motorcade or is there just as much chance it could have been the day before the motorcade, as the day of the motorcade.
Mr. Hansen.
No. The fact that there were some people sitting on the rail around there would indicate, it would make me lean toward the day of the parade. But I am not going to make a fiat statement it was the day of the parade. But it would make me kind of think maybe it was that day. That is as good as I can give it to you.
Mr. Griffin.
The reason I am asking you questions like that is so we can evaluate whether we should make a flat statement about it or how we should treat it.
Mr. Hansen.
I don't want to make a flat statement, because I can't connect anything in my heart, but .it would make me think it was, due to the fact the people were sitting on that thing.
Mr. Griffin.
I appreciate that.
Mr. Hansen.
I am trying to help you.
Mr. Griffin.
I appreciate your frankness on it. Let me ask you if you are satisfied that this report otherwise is an accurate report of what was said.
Mr. Hansen.
Let me show you. Everything but here. I think I remember telling him this, but I think that he I am not trying to put it off on him, because he isn't here, but I think the FBI man got this Silver Spur Club mixed up with the Burgundy Room, or else I meant the Burgundy and told him the Silver Spur, but this is where it happened. And I am sure if you check through it further, that you can find out that this actually occurred about this remark about this boy calling him a queer and Jack knocking him down.
Mr. Griffin.
I think it is clear enough that the record she is typing up here
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