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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 418« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Nancy Monnell Powell)

Mrs. Powell.
I don't know. It is where Gaston Avenue are you familiar with the city?
Mr. Griffin.
I know the street.
Mrs. Powell.
It is where Gaston comes into, you know, you go out Gaston--have you gone out Gaston? If you haven't, I am not going to go through this. It is where Gaston and Grand Avenue come together. He lived on Gaston, but just off of Grand Avenue. It is a real pretty apartment.
Mr. Griffin.
About what time was it when you got over there?
Mrs. Powell.
I don't know. What time was the President assassinated? That is what time it was.
Mr. Griffin.
About 12:30?
Mrs. Powell.
That is what time it was, because when we went in, the television was on, and when we went in, Mickey turned the TV off.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you take your friends with you?
Mrs. Powell.
No; just Pete and I. His friends stayed over in my house and we came over here alone. When we went in, TV was on, and Mike turned it off, and we were sitting there talking, and Pete was looking for a job or something, so he said, "I have this friend that Mike had just gone to work in a bar out here at the Marriott or some place, and he said he had this friend that might be able to help Pete find a job. And he went to the phone and called him, and we were sitting in the living room, and he asked this guy, and the secretary said that he was outside. Anyway, I don't know about that conversation, but all of a sudden he said, "Oh, no." He was going on something terrible, and I thought what happened to his friend. So I said, "What happened to your friend?" And he didn't answer. Then he came out of the bedroom and he said, the President has just been shot, he walked right to the TV and turned it on, and we thought it was a joke, that nothing like that could happen, it just couldn't. And we were laughing and everything, and he turned it on, and they had the TV cameras out where he was supposed to make his speech. They announced it, and it was unbelievable.
Mr. Griffin.
How long did you remain there?
Mrs. Powell.
We didn't remain very long. We just stopped by there for a minute, and we left there and came downtown. No; we went to Parkland Hospital. We were there long enough, because we found he was in Parkland Hospital. And Pete and I went over to Parkland Hospital.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you arrive at Parkland Hospital before it was known that the President was dead?
Mrs. Powell.
Mr. Griffin.
OK; go ahead.
Mrs. Powell.
So, we went out there to the hospital.
Mr. Griffin.
Let me interrupt you, because I thought of another question.
Mrs. Powell.
Mr. Griffin.
What were the driving conditions going out there to Parkland?
Mrs. Powell.
Very bad. Well, they weren't so bad. I came through town to start with. We started down to get an extra, because we knew they would have extras, and I wanted to get one to save for my kiddos.
Mr. Griffin.
You did stop downtown?
Mrs. Powell.
Over here some place at one of the newspapers. We stopped for just a second and ran into see if they had the extras out yet. No; maybe we didn't. I think we went directly to the hospital, because it had just happened. Anyway, we went to the hospital, and it wasn't too bad going out, but around the hospital it was just terrible. But we parked and we walked up and stood there, and the TV cameras were there already. And I guess we had been there about--on the way out there, they announced over the radio that the President was dead.
Mr. Griffin.
As you drove out, did you go out the expressway? That is Stemmons Expressway?
Mrs. Powell.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you drive out the Stemmons Expressway?
Mrs. Powell.
Mr. Griffin.
How was the traffic on Stemmons Expressway?
Mrs. Powell.
It didn't seem to be too bad on the expressway.
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