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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 394« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Wilma May Tice)

Mr. Griffin.
So that you were standing in the oval in front of the emergency entrance, is that right?
Mrs. Tice.
I was standing right here by this fence.
Mr. Griffin.
The metal fence that separates the--
Mrs. Tice.
This right here is where the police cars park and stuff. No; that is over to the other side because that goes all the way around.
Mr. Griffin.
You. are going to have to explain it in words, because the lady can't take this down. She can't understand what we are talking about.
Mrs. Tice.
Well, all right. Right down here is this circle where you go down into the emergency entrance, and this little bar here, it goes across here where this grass is, and where I was standing was right here on this grass, right here [pointing].
Mr. Griffin.
Will you mark an X where you were standing?
Mrs. Tice.
This is me. And these other people were here, and this is where Jack was standing, about 2 foot on this side of this fence.
Mr. Griffin.
I see. Were you facing toward the emergency entrance, or which direction were you facing?
Mrs. Tice.
We were looking down there to see what was happening.
Mr. Griffin.
So Jack actually was a little bit in front of you?
Mrs. Tice.
Yes; I guess.
Mr. Griffin.
Would you put an R where Ruby was?
(Mrs. Tice marks.)
Mr. Griffin.
Now, a man walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder?
Mrs. Tice.
The man came right down this way, over this way and slapped him on the shoulder and asked him how he was doing.
Mr. Griffin.
And at that point Jack turned around?
Mrs. Tice.
At that point Jack turned around and started talking to him. At the time, he was facing right toward me.
Mr. Griffin.
Where was the other man? Was he standing between you and Jack?
Mrs. Tice.
No; the other man was standing right here, and Jack was standing here, because he turned around to see who slapped him on the shoulder.
Mr. Griffin.
I am going to mark this with an R for Ruby, and I am going to put W for Wilma, and I am going to leave the M you put there for the other man.
Mrs. Tice.
Mr. Griffin.
When was the next time you .thought about this incident?
Mrs. Tice.
I didn't think about it any more.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, the next time you thought about it, of course, was whenever the children said that was Oswald got shot?
Mrs. Tice.
That is the next time I thought about it. I mean, other than just what I hear on the news, and I got tired of hearing it.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you tell your husband?
Mrs. Tice.
That I Went down there; no.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you tell anybody else that you had been there and seen that man, seen Jack Ruby?
Mrs. Tice.
Yes; I talked to Eva about it.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you talk to any of your friends about it?
Mrs. Tice.
I don't think so; no. I don't think I did, because I wouldn't want my husband to get hold of me being out there. I guess I made mention to somebody about him wanting to give somebody a kidney, him wanting to give Governor Connally, one day, and then going up and killing somebody.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember who you told that to?
Mrs. Tice.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you have anything else that you would like to tell us about this?
Mrs. Tice.
Well, except whenever I turned, well, this Ruby went on down this way, and this man here, when this man walked away, and this one here went on down toward this curb here, then I turned around and I looked at my watch and I left, because my children were coming home from school.
Mr. Griffin.
You left shortly after you saw this man, this Ruby man?
Mrs. Tice.
I was home at 3 o'clock.
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