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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 283« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Eileen Kaminsky)

Mr. Griffin.
Tell us--tell us how this call went. Jack--you picked up the phone and there was Jack.
Mrs. Kaminsky.
That's right.
Mr. Griffin.
What did he say and what did you say?
Mrs. Kaminsky.
He was crying to start off with. He said--he said, "Did you hear the awful news?"
And I said, "Yes," and he said, "Oh, my God, oh, my God."
He repeated it several times. He said, "What a black mark for Dallas," and then he said--
Mr. Griffin.
You said, "What a black mark"?
Mrs. Kaminsky.
No; Jack said, "What a black mark for Dallas."
Then, he said--oh, he said, "Maybe I will fly up to be with you tonight." And I said, "Well, I don't think that is necessary."
You know, I knew he was upset. You see, my sister had just been home from the hospital with serious surgery less than a week and--
Mr. Griffin.
Are you talking about Eva?
Mrs. Kaminsky.
Eva, yes. She had abdominal surgery and I knew there was no one to take care of her, you know. So I said, "Well, how is Eva?"
He says, "Oh she's terrible. When she heard this news, she's even worse."
I said, "You better stay there. I will call you tonight. Be at her apartment after 9, and I will call you tonight after 9."
Then, while I was talking to him, he said--I could hear that someone else was talking to him, and I said, "Well, who is that?"
He said, "It is the porter. There is another call for me. Alice returned my call." Alice Nichols is her name. I guess he said, "I'd call her at a time like that." He wanted to talk to people, you know.
Mr. Griffin.
Mrs. Kaminsky.
And so I didn't keep him on the phone too long but his voice was, you know, breaking all the time. Of course, I was--I was no help because I was in the same I felt terrible myself, you know.
And that night, I don't remember whether I called my sister Eva's apartment or she called me. We never did get it straight, but we did speak to one another, and I did ask for Jack and she said, "Well, he is at the temple. He went to temple that night," and I believe he also called my oldest brother that night, too.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, was Jack supposed--were you going to call back for the purpose of talking to Jack or for the purpose of talking to Eva?
Mrs. Kaminsky.
Well, I was going to talk to beth of them. I figured he would be at her apartment that night and I could talk to both of them but aS it happened, she said he left earlier to go to the temple.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you suggest to him in any way that he ought to take care of Eva or go over to see her?
Mrs. Kaminsky.
Well, yes; because I said--well I, you know, naturally, we both knew she had had the surgery.
As a matter of fact, she told us that while she was in the hospital, he came 15 times in 6 days and a woman, either in the next room or the next bed, said, "Your doctor has been here again."
She says, "Yes, he has." She never let on that Jack was her brother because, you know, having a nightclub, he would come in at irregular hours. So, yes; I felt he should stay with Eva because I figured---
Mr. Griffin.
But did you say this to him--I am trying to find out if you actually told Jack that or if you don't remember, say you don't remember.
Mrs. Kaminsky.
I don't remember.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recall receiving any telephone calls from Jack while Eva was in the hospital?
Mrs. Kaminsky.
I--I recall receiving one. I believe it was just a day or two before she went. He asked me to send her some flowers.
I believe he called my sister Marion. He called us all, I believe. He said, "She was going in for surgery."
Mr. Griffin.
After you called Eva, what did you do that night? Did you go over to Hyman's house or did you stay home?
Mrs. Kaminsky.
I stayed home. As a matter of fact, Hyman came over for dinner that evening and that is one of the reasons--I don't know whether Eva
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