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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 91« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Curtis Laverne Crafard Resumed)

Mr. Crafard.
No, I don't believe so. I never saw a justice of a peace card with an emblem of a shield on it. They usually have the emblem of the Justice Department.
Mr. Griffin.
You mentioned Bill Willis as being a close friend of Jack.
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
Was Bill Willis the leader of the band that played at the Carousel?
Mr. Crafard.
I believe so; yes.
Mr. Griffin.
Are you sure of that?
Mr. Crafard.
I am not positive but I believe he was.
Mr. Griffin.
Was Bill Willis, Ruby's closest friend, in the band?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
What led you to that conclusion?
Mr. Crafard.
Well, the fact that they would' talk together quite often, if something come up in connection with the band it was always Bill he talked to, Bill seemed to talk to Ruby more than any of the other member of the band, and Ruby when he talked to anybody in the band it would be to Bill Willis more than anyone else.
Mr. Griffin.
I am going to depart from this exhibit for a bit. You worked for the Tear Plating Company?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
I am not clear whether that was in Texas or Oregon.
Mr. Crafard.
In Dallas, Tex.
Mr. Griffin.
How about the Ablon Poultry?
Mr. Crafard.
Dallas, Tex.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you know a detective by the name of Joe Cody?
Mr. Crafard.
I believe that Jack had me call him on one occasion where he wanted to talk to him.
Mr. Griffin.
You mentioned that you worked at the Dallas State Fair for Bob Craven and Deke Miles.
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
Was there anything about those men that would have led you to believe that they were homosexuals?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
While you were working for Jack did you know that he was getting any skin or scalp treatments of any sort?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you know anything about any trichology treatments he was getting?
Mr. Crafard.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Jack express, ever express any concern about his baldness?
Mr. Crafard.
Not that I remember.
Mr. Griffin.
This wasn't a subject that he joked about or that other people kidded him about?
Mr. Crafard.
Not that I remember; no.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recall while you were working for Jack, Jack's making any inquiry concerning a business partner?
Mr. Crafard.
Yes. He was trying to get somebody to go in with him to open another club in Dallas.
Mr. Griffin.
What did you hear him say about that?
Mr. Crafard.
He called two or three different people and talked to them trying to get them to go in with him on this club. He made something, a statement to the effect that he had a building already, that it wouldn't take much to get it into shape, something about they could make the best club in Dallas, make it into the best club in Dallas, I believe specialized clientele, you might say a closed club.
Mr. Griffin.
Was this going to be a striptease club?
Mr. Crafard.
I believe so.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recall any of the people that Jack talked with about that?
Mr. Crafard.
No, sir; I don't.
Mr. Griffin.
What was Jack trying to interest these people in doing?
Mr. Crafard.
Backing him.
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