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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 496« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Sam Ruby)

Mr. Ruby.
and I was sort of in an isolated corner myself and also I was at that time engaged in extensive repair work and I tried to go more into the repair of washing machines and I thought it was taking a lot of my time and I wasn't making any money there and in fact I was losing money, and I thought--why have something like that on your hands and I would rather devote my time to repair work.
Mr. Hubert.
And that's what you have done?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Hubert.
And that's what you are doing now?
Mr. Ruby.
Yes; but I also since that time I also purchased a little manufacturing business in Coppell, Tex., which of all days, I purchased it on November 20, 1963.
Mr. Hubert.
What kind of business is that?
Mr. Ruby.
It was a little stuffed animal business and the name of the company was the Autographic Mascots that they use around these colleges and universities and high schools--all of these schools have little mascots, you know, and the purpose was to have these kids--these various classes--have their classmates autograph them as sort of a remembrance or souvenir of their school days.
Mr. Hubert.
Are you still operating that?
Mr. Ruby.
No; we sold that--we just sold that recently--April the 15th this party took over complete possession of it.
Mr. Hubert.
Whom did you sell it to?
Mr. Ruby.
To Mrs. M. Frances Cole. I believe her name is.
Mr. Hubert.
C-o-l-e (spelling)?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Hubert.
Is she operating it now?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, I understand that you loaned some-money to Jack in 1955; is that correct?
Mr. Ruby.
That's right.
Mr. Hubert.
How much and under what circumstances?
Mr. Ruby.
Well, he said he was having difficulty in paying his Federal excise taxes and I let hint have $1,000, and then sometime later--that was probably in May or June of 1955 when I let hint have the $1,000, and then sometime later--that was probably May or June when I let him have the $1,000 and later that summer, it may have been in July or August, I let him have $4,500, and he had some more difficulty with the Government on his Federal excise tax and he had to pay off these taxes or they would have padlocked his club--it was the Vegas Club.
Mr. Hubert.
When you made these loans to Jack, did you receive any evidence of the loan, such as a note?
Mr. Ruby.
Yes, sir; I had him make out a bill of sale to me for the Vegas Club.
Mr. Hubert.
Was that recorded in any way?
Mr. Ruby.
Well, I think I still have it at home I think I still have it at home. I don't remember whether it was recorded or not--the attorney made it out.
Mr. Hubert.
I understand that you had to file a legal proceeding against Jack in order to recover your money?
Mr. Ruby.
That's right.
Mr. Hubert.
A judgment for it?
Mr. Ruby.
That's right, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Was that a contested suit--did you file suit against him?
Mr. Ruby.
Yes, sir; I did.
Mr. Hubert.
This bill of sale, was that sort of a security device or actual transaction of sale?
Mr. Ruby.
It was an actual transaction of sale and also a security.
Mr. Hubert.
What you did--you sued on the note, I assume, that was involved; is that correct?
Mr. Ruby.
No; we sued that I was the legal owner of the business and that he told me he would--in December he said he would purchase the club from me. He wasn't satisfied with me as a partner and he said he was going to buy me. out, but he failed to meet his financial promises and so I kept calling him and
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