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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 465« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Eva Grant Resumed)

Mrs. Grant.
"Well"--he came back and he went to see Jack and he couldn't get in and he came to see me at the Club and he says he just quit. I said, "After 19 years?"
Mr. Hubert.
The Vegas was closed too, was it not?
Mrs. Grant.
It was closed on and off a few times after that.
Mr. Hubert.
No; I mean, the Vegas was closed on November 22, November 23, and November 24?
Mrs. Grant.
Well, 2 days after that--it was closed for 5 days.
Mr. Hubert.
And then ultimately it was sold?
Mrs. Grant.
Then, I opened it again and I closed it and I opened it for New Year's and I closed it permanently January 4.
Mr. Hubert.
Until when?
Mrs. Grant.
Until someone. else bought it--it wasn't in operation until this Woman got her license, which was about the 1st of March.
Mr. Hubert.
And of course the Carousel closed too because of the license laps-ing--the liquor license?
Mrs. Grant.
Yes; they closed February the 12th, from what I understand--their liquor license was revoked.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, let's take a break for a few minutes.
Mrs. Grant.
You mentioned a man's name McKeown or something like that; may I ask you what he does?
Mr. Burleson.
Let's take a break now, Eva.
(The deposition proceedings were recessed as heretofore stated and continued as hereinafter shown.)
Mr. Hubert.
Let the record show that the deposition is continuing after the recess at 9:10 p.m. and that Mr. Burleson will ask some questions with respect to the block of questions and the areas covered by those questions before I go on.
Mr. Burleson.
Mrs. Grant, you were saying out at the Vegas Club that the employees were paid in cash, and you mentioned something about giving them some type of check with their name on it. Would the transaction be such that you would give them a check and then cash the check for them in effect?
Mrs. Grant.
That's exactly it, but the check never went through the bank procedure. It was like a voucher that they had received that money on.
Mr. Burleson.
Was it on a regular bank draft that it was made out on?
Mrs. Grant.
Most Of the time.
Mr. Burleson.
And the net effect would be that you would give them a check and then cash it for them and take the check back and give them cash?
Mrs. Grant.
Well, I put the check in an envelope and I would have like your salary is $65, withholding and social ,security, and write on the back of the envelope that, and a lot of them kept their envelopes and a lot of them threw it out and they had signed the check and returned it and the balance of what money they should receive was in there.
Mr. Burleson.
Now, you were in the hospital the first part of November 1963?
Mrs. Grant.
I was sick for a solid week.
Mr. Burleson.
Now you had been having some trouble for quite some time?
Mrs. Grant.
That's right.
Mr. Burleson.
And as a matter of fact, Jack had been trying to get you to go into the hospital because the doctors had advised him and you that you needed this operation immediately? And you had been prepared on at least one, or maybe more than one occasion, to go to the hospital and everything had been arranged for the operation and you backed out at the last moment?
Mrs. Grant.
That's right.
Mr. Burleson.
And Jack knew that you were having this trouble and knew that the doctors recommended that, and you talked with your doctors about this?
Mrs. Grant.
All through the whole week.
Mr. Burleson.
And finally he was able to get you in the hospital there the first part of November 1963; is that correct?
Mrs. Grant.
Mr. Burleson.
And you then had what--a partial or complete hysterectomy, or do you know?
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